Why Some Shih Tzu Don’t Like Being Hugged

Why Some Shih Tzu Don’t Like Being Hugged

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Our Shih Tzu can really be our best friends. Sometimes, we feel like we need a hug and assume our four-legged friends need one too.

It’s easy to assume that we all hug our Shih Tzu once in a while. Do we enjoy this hug much more than our pets?

We spend some time during this hug of love and appreciation to realize if our dog was enjoying the event as much as we were?

Probably not, your Shih Tzu may have shown a remarkable feat of resistance and maybe felt very uncomfortable with the situation. Let’s explore this thought further.

The truth about dog hugs

In general, most Shih Tzu don’t really like hugs. Many dogs immediately inform you that you are crossing a boundary they are not willing to participate in.

Others will tolerate the moment. Obviously, it should be said that others really appreciate this intimate hug with their best friend.

It’s important to keep in mind that just because your Shih Tzu doesn’t accept a loving hug, it doesn’t mean he loves you any less. Dogs, like humans, are wired differently.

Shih Tzu don’t hug as a demonstration of affection. They communicate through smell and body language.

If a Shih Tzu puts one or two legs over another dog’s shoulder, it’s more likely they are trying to display control or superiority.

So, how do dogs interpret our loving hugs? Do they think we are showing our dominance, assertiveness, or control?

Your hug may actually seem threatening to an animal that doesn’t want to be dominated by anyone. So, how do you know if your dog likes a hug or not?

Know your Shih Tzu

Always be attentive to your Shih Tzu’s body language as it can teach you a lot. If you’re unsure about your pet’s reaction, have someone take a photo of the event and study it closely.

It’s not always easy to identify anxiety or fear in our dog. In reality, you can detect these traits through ear positioning, eyes, tongues, and lips.

When you hug your dog, observe their body language. If they pull away with their mouth closed, they are likely not comfortable.

If, on the other hand, they lean into you with their mouth open and panting, they are likely okay with the hug.

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