Why Shih Tzus Stick Their Heads Out of the Car

Why Shih Tzus Stick Their Heads Out of the Car

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So sticking your head out of the window is dangerous, but have you ever wondered why your Shih Tzu loves sticking its head out during a simple car ride? You may have imagined that it’s having fun; find out what exactly entertains them. Also, discover the best ways to transport your Shih Tzu safely in the car. Shih Tzus seem to love sticking their heads out when the car is in motion, right? Why do they enjoy it so much? Although there’s no scientific research on this phenomenon, it’s been discovered that Shih Tzus don’t stick their heads out of the window to admire the scenery or the breeze.

That’s right, Shih Tzus love smelling different scents when they go out; it’s no wonder they sniff everything along the way during a walk. Imagine in a car with the wind carrying different smells from all sides.

We all know that Shih Tzus smell a thousand times better than humans; their sense of smell is so acute that they can detect bombs, drugs, and missing persons. All these smells are positive stimuli for them.

The View

Shih Tzus love to see the world; they come from wolves, wandering creatures, and seeing the world and its movements is in their genetics. Shih Tzus are more likely to pay attention when they see objects in motion.

Movement cheers them up; imagine a car in motion, the landscape passing quickly. All of this brings joy and relaxation to the Shih Tzu.

Dangers and Care

We know it’s dangerous to stick your head out of a vehicle, and our Shih Tzus are our responsibility. So, to prevent your Shih Tzu from getting hurt, jumping out of the car, or any other accidents, take proper precautions.

People are used to putting mainly Shih Tzu puppies on their laps and not worrying about anything else. Or leaving large Shih Tzus loose in the back seat without worrying about what might happen.

Correct Transport

How to transport the Shih Tzu in the car – The correct way is to have a harness and a seatbelt adapter for the Shih Tzu; it’s attached to the Shih Tzu’s collar and buckled where the car’s seatbelt would go. This way, the Shih Tzu is secured to the seat in case of an accident, preventing it from being thrown out of the car and also prevents it from jumping out of the car window. Take the time to check out the article Why Do Shih Tzus Lick?

This way, you can control how much the Shih Tzu can move around the car, how much it can stick its head out, and thus prevent it from getting hurt. Why a harness? Simple, if an accident happens, your Shih Tzu won’t be protected, in fact, it can end up hurting or even breaking its neck.

You can also opt for a transport box, as long as it’s securely fastened in the car to prevent it from jumping or shaking during the trip. In terms of safety, they are also good, just like the adapted seatbelts.

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