Why Shih Tzus Put Their Heads Out of the Car

Why Shih Tzus Put Their Heads Out of the Car

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Learn why Shih Tzus stick their heads out of the car and how to handle it – It’s common for a Shih Tzu to stick its head out of the car window, and while it might seem risky, have you ever wondered why your Shih Tzu loves doing this during a simple car ride? You might have thought it’s just for fun, but there’s more to it.

Discover the reasons behind their enjoyment and find out how to safely transport your Shih Tzu during car trips. Shih Tzus seem to enjoy poking their heads out when the car is in motion, right? But why do they like it so much? While there’s no scientific research on this phenomenon, it has been found that Shih Tzus don’t do it to appreciate the scenery or the breeze.

That’s right; Shih Tzus love to experience different scents when they’re out and about. It’s no wonder they sniff everything along the way during a walk, and imagine doing that in a car with the wind carrying various scents from all directions.

We all know that Shih Tzus have a sense of smell a thousand times better than humans, and their olfactory abilities are so keen that they can detect bombs, drugs, and missing persons. All these scents are positive stimuli for them.

Shih Tzus love to see the world; after all, they descended from wolves, which are wanderers by nature. Watching the world and its movements is in their genetics. Shih Tzus are more likely to pay attention when they see objects in motion.

Movement brings them joy; imagine a car in motion, the landscape passing by quickly. All of this makes Shih Tzus happy and relaxed.

Risks and Precautions

We know that sticking one’s head out of a moving vehicle is dangerous, and our Shih Tzus are our responsibility. To prevent your Shih Tzu from getting hurt, jumping out of the car, or experiencing any accidents, you should take the necessary precautions.

People are accustomed to putting Shih Tzu puppies on their laps and not worrying about anything else. Or they let larger Shih Tzus roam freely in the back seat without considering the potential risks.

Proper Transportation

How to transport a Shih Tzu in the car – The correct way is to use a harness and a seatbelt adapter for your Shih Tzu. The adapter is attached to your Shih Tzu’s collar and buckled in where the car’s seatbelt would go. This secures your Shih Tzu to the seat in case of an accident, preventing them from being thrown out of the car and also keeps them from jumping out the window.

This allows you to control how much your Shih Tzu can move around in the car and how far they can stick their head out, thus preventing injuries. Why use a harness? It’s simple; if an accident occurs, your Shih Tzu won’t be protected, and in fact, they could end up hurting or even breaking their neck.

You can also opt for a pet carrier; they’re a good choice as long as the carrier is securely fastened in the car to prevent it from bouncing or shaking during the journey. In terms of safety, they are also a good option, just like the seatbelt adapters.

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