Why Shih Tzus Like To Put Their Heads Out of the Car

Why Shih Tzus Like To Put Their Heads Out of the Car

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Do you ever wonder why your Shih Tzu loves sticking their head out of the car window during a simple drive? While it may seem dangerous to have their heads out, have you thought about what makes them enjoy it so much? Despite the lack of scientific research on this phenomenon, it has been discovered that Shih Tzus don’t stick their heads out to enjoy the scenery or the breeze.

Indeed, Shih Tzus love to smell different scents when they’re out and about. They sniff everything along the way during walks, so imagine the array of scents carried by the wind during a car ride.

We all know that Shih Tzus have a sense of smell thousands of times better than humans. Their sense of smell is so acute that they can detect bombs, drugs, and missing persons. All these smells are positive stimuli for them.

The View

Shih Tzus love to see the world. They originated from wolves, creatures who roam and observe the world and its movements. Shih Tzus have a greater tendency to pay attention when they see objects in motion.

Movement makes them happy. Imagine a moving car with the landscape passing by quickly. All of this brings joy and relaxation to the Shih Tzu.

Risks and Precautions

We know it’s dangerous to have one’s head out of a vehicle, and our Shih Tzus are our responsibility. Therefore, to prevent your Shih Tzu from getting hurt, jumping out of the car, or any other accidents, take proper precautions.

People often put Shih Tzu puppies on their laps without much concern. Or they let large Shih Tzus roam freely in the back seat without considering what might happen.

Correct Transportation

How to transport a Shih Tzu in the car – The correct way is to use a harness and a seatbelt adapter for the Shih Tzu. It attaches to the Shih Tzu’s collar and buckles where the car’s seatbelt would go. This way, the Shih Tzu is secured to the seat in case of an accident, preventing them from being thrown out of the car or jumping out of the window.

This allows you to control how much the Shih Tzu can move around the car and how much they can stick their head out, thus avoiding injuries. Why a harness? It’s simple, if an accident occurs, your Shih Tzu won’t be protected, and they could end up injured or even breaking their neck.

You can also opt for a transport crate, as long as it’s securely attached to the car to prevent it from jumping or shaking during the journey. In terms of safety, they’re also good options, just like the adapted seatbelts.

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