Why Does Your Shih Tzu Sleep On Its Back?

Why Does Your Shih Tzu Sleep On Its Back?

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Why are there days when a Shih Tzu sleeps on its back, and other days it curls up? The sleeping habits of Shih Tzus truly pique the curiosity of pet owners and researchers. After all, every detail of animal behavior can convey a message. Let’s see what this sleeping position means!

What does it mean when a Shih Tzu sleeps on its back?

When two Shih Tzus are fighting, and you notice one lying on its back, it’s because that one is submissive, and the other is dominant. Typically, in cases where animals are raised together, if one of them lies down in this way, the fight tends to stop. The other understands that it has won and continues to be the leader of the house.

Therefore, it’s common for a pet owner to worry when their dog sleeps on its back. Is it feeling cornered too? Actually, no! When evaluating sleep, it’s important to consider how these pets react. A Shih Tzu that lies with its legs down and in a position to get up easily is ready to defend itself more quickly. On the other hand, when a dog sleeps on its back, the response time to any possible attack is longer because it has to turn over and get up afterward.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Why does my Shih Tzu sleep on its back?” know that your Shih Tzu is feeling secure. To them, the environment is so good that they can relax because they won’t need to defend against anything: they are happy and feel very comfortable at home!

My Shih Tzu started sleeping curled up. What could it be?

Another common concern that owners tend to have is when a Shih Tzu sleeps on its back for several days but then starts curling up in a corner. Has something happened? Generally, the change in how they lie down is linked to a change in the weather.

When Shih Tzus curl up with their feet near their head, they are likely feeling cold. Often, they also have their fur standing on end and look for a corner to lie down. If that’s the case, provide a warm blanket and cover your furry friend!

What if my Shih Tzu is sleeping on its side?

There are several positions in which a Shih Tzu can sleep. While sometimes a dog sleeps on its back, in many cases, it prefers to lie on its side, and that’s okay! This is a way to take a good nap and rest deeply.

Generally, Shih Tzus that stretch out and sleep on their side are also feeling secure in the environment. If you stop to observe, most of the time, they lie in this position when they are comfortable and happy at home, as it’s a way to relax without worrying.

Why did it leave its bed and go to sleep on the floor?

In addition to the sleeping position of the Shih Tzu, it’s common for owners not to understand why their pet leaves its cozy bed and lies down on the floor. In fact, there are several reasons why this might happen. One of them is that it’s too hot.

In the summer, even with the fan on, the furry friend may feel hot. If it lies in its bed, the fabric and filling can heat up and increase the temperature. On the other hand, on the cold floor, it feels the coolness and ends up being more comfortable.

However, it’s not just that. Often, a Shih Tzu stops sleeping on its back in the bed to cuddle up against the owner’s feet. Another possible reason is that the bed is dirty or smells different.

If you have more than one Shih Tzu at home and notice that suddenly your furry friend doesn’t want to sleep in its bed anymore, check if no one has marked its little mattress with urine. This happens quite often in homes with multiple animals. With the sleeping area dirty, the little pet ends up going to the floor.

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