Why Does The Shih Tzu Dig The Couch?

Why Does The Shih Tzu Dig The Couch?

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Do you have a Shih Tzu that digs the couch? This can be a quite challenging behavior of the little dog, which is actually acting on instincts or excess energy.

In the case of a Shih Tzu digging the couch, it is essential for the owner to understand what to do, implement some tips, and, most importantly, not to scold or have violent behavior towards the Shih Tzu.

Shih Tzu digging the couch – Is it normal?

Yes, it is normal. But let’s agree? A Shih Tzu digging the couch is not pleasant at all. After all, if they do it two or three times with some force, it will be enough to ruin the couch. In other words, a Shih Tzu digging the couch, although normal from an instinctual point of view, should not be from the perspective of energy expenditure. That is, your Shih Tzu should be comfortable enough to not have to act in this way.

Many times, a Shih Tzu that is digging the couch does so because they don’t have another choice. Their instinct is stronger, and it will make them dig, especially if they don’t have a yard or outdoor walks to do so.

Shih Tzu likes to dig things. They like to hide things in holes, and that’s why it’s normal. But when the digging is in the furniture at home, we don’t want them to dig, right?

Why does the Shih Tzu like to dig the couch?

A Shih Tzu likes to dig the couch for various reasons. Some of them are:
Lack of play and distraction.
Little interaction with the owner.
Accumulated energy.
Anxiety or stress.
Ancestral instincts.
The Shih Tzu may be hot.

Although a Shih Tzu digging the couch is relatively normal from an instinctual point of view, it is still not good for the relationship. After all, the Shih Tzu will ruin your upholstery, and that’s not good.

A relationship between a Shih Tzu and the owner needs to be much more positive than a dog doing things that the owner doesn’t want them to do. But for that, action is required. The Shih Tzu needs the owner, and the owner needs, often, to change their routine.

Understand more about what causes a Shih Tzu to dig the living room couch.
Lack of play and distraction

One of the most common things that can make your best friend start digging the living room couch like crazy is the lack of play. That is, the lack of distraction they should have in their daily lives.

A Shih Tzu needs distraction. They need a comfortable environment in terms of play and energy expenditure. Otherwise, they will channel this need into something else.

Chewing pillows, destroying furniture, or carrying slippers are very common behaviors of dogs with accumulated energy. And digging the living room couch, of course, also falls into this list.

Play with your Shih Tzu. Create interactive games and spend their mental energy as well. They need to have a complete routine of distractions. See some dog games.

Little interaction with the owner

Shih Tzus are passionate about their owners. They need the owner to feel complete, although they can live independently. In fact, it is healthy for them to live independently.

But for most of the day, they will always prefer to be close to the owner. They love their owner, and that’s why the interaction between the Shih Tzu and the owner should happen throughout the day. Without interaction, the dog can start having very negative stimuli in the environment.

Digging the couch, of course, is one of them.

Therefore, you need to interact with your Shih Tzu. Don’t leave them alone and quiet for too long. Play, take them for walks, talk to them, and train your Shih Tzu.

Accumulated energy

A Shih Tzu with accumulated energy is a dog that can become destructive. That is, a Shih Tzu digging the couch can easily be a dog with accumulated energy.

To solve this, it is not enough to simply take the dog and run with them down the street. A dog’s energy needs to be spent regularly. They need to have a healthy routine. And not abrupt routines.

After all, accumulated energy is not just physical. It is also mental. That’s why walks and olfactory stimuli, socialization, and training are important.

The accumulation of energy occurs through a process of random routine.

Anxiety or stress

Did you know that your Shih Tzu may be anxious and stressed? Yes, that may be the number one cause for them to have continuous digging stimuli. Including on the couch.

A stressed Shih Tzu may be feeling stress for numerous different reasons. Most of them related to routine. Negative stimuli, such as lack of training, can leave them stressed.

Anxiety, on the other hand, can also happen due to various aspects related to a bad routine. Lack of physical exercise can generate anxiety.

Moreover, the Shih Tzu may feel anxious when the owner leaves home. This is separation anxiety syndrome. In this case, the dog may dig the couch as a way to feel better.

Ancestral instincts

Shih Tzus have instincts. And surely, you already know that. But in practice, these instincts can be revealed through a series of actions that are not as nice for the owner.

For example: digging things. Yes, a dog digging the couch can be completely related to the instincts of the Shih Tzu. Especially if they don’t have a suitable yard to dig.

Shih Tzus are diggers. They love to dig holes. They like to bury things to make them safer. It is part of the species’ development until now.

That’s why offering an outdoor environment regularly for your Shih Tzu is very important.

Shih Tzu digging the couch – The dog may be hot

Did you know that Shih Tzus dig when they’re hot? Yes, this is another situation that may be happening with your Shih Tzu. If it’s a very hot day and they start digging the couch, they may be looking for a cooler place.

Observe this in situations where the Shih Tzu digs and then lies down. If this happens on hot days, it means they may be looking for a cooler environment to rest.

Move their bed to a cooler place. This may make the digging stop at that moment.

What to do to make the Shih Tzu stop digging the couch

To make the Shih Tzu stop digging the couch, you need to consider a series of environmental and routine conditions. Often, the issue is related to routine and environment. And to change that, you need to start today and have patience.

See some things that will help your Shih Tzu stop digging the couch:
External stimuli.
Walks and energy expenditure.
Environmental enrichment.
Positive reinforcement.
See these tips in practice.
External stimuli

Shih Tzus, although they can live well indoors, need external stimuli. That is, they need to see the sunlight and smell the grass

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