Why Does Shih Tzu Scratch And Lick So Much?

Why Does Shih Tzu Scratch And Lick So Much?

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There are reasons behind a Shih Tzu’s excessive licking, scratching, and biting behavior. Such behavior, besides being uncomfortable for the Shih Tzu, can also pose a health risk, especially in severe and persistent cases.

The behavioral causes of licking are attributed to dogs’ natural way of interacting. Licking can be a form of communication, submission, or a display of affection. Additionally, dogs might simply find the salty taste of human skin appealing, especially after sweating.

Several factors are identified as potential reasons for a Shih Tzu’s excessive licking:

  1. Allergies: Skin irritation or dermatitis could result from contact with specific substances, either in food or the environment.
  2. Boredom and/or Anxiety: Boredom and anxiety can lead to compulsive obsessive disorders, manifesting through incessant biting and licking.
  3. Dry Skin: Changes in weather or a lack of essential fatty acids in the Shih Tzu’s diet, which help protect and moisturize the skin, can result in dry skin. The dog might respond to discomfort by scratching the affected area.
  4. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as those related to thyroid hormones or excess cortisol, can lead to superficial skin infections, causing itching.
  5. Pain: Excessive itching, licking, or biting may indicate pain in a specific area of the Shih Tzu’s body. Checking for injuries or foreign objects, like thorns, is advised.
  6. Parasites: The presence of parasites like mites, fleas, and ticks is a common cause of excessive biting and licking.

There are various actions for Shih Tzu owners to address the persistent biting, licking, and itching:

  • Identify the cause of the behavior and proceed with appropriate treatment.
  • Check for signs of injury or infection; consult a veterinarian for analysis and treatment.
  • Remove any embedded objects from the dog’s paw and apply antiseptic.
  • Maintain a balanced diet for the Shih Tzu to ensure it receives necessary nutrients.
  • Avoid using chemicals in areas accessible to the Shih Tzu.
  • Use veterinary-approved products for grooming, avoiding human products.
  • If parasites are present, consult a veterinarian for the best treatment.

In cases where no apparent cause is found, we advise seeking professional veterinary advice.

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