Why Does Shih Tzu Bring Us Their Toys?

shih tzu toys

Why Does Shih Tzu Bring Us Their Toys?

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Does your Shih Tzu also love balls, teethers, stuffed animals, and all kinds of toys? Many dogs like to carry their toys in their mouths.

Holding something in their teeth gives them confidence and calms them down in stressful moments, it also allows them to safely discharge the excitement and part of the hunting instinct.

Also, he likes to see the amusement on the owner’s face seeing his Shih Tzu with a toy in his mouth. However, in addition to these meanings, bringing toys to the owner can have a completely different meaning.

See why Shih Tzu brings us the toys!

Have you ever noticed that when you come home your Shih Tzu runs to get a toy to say hi? This is a sign that your Shih Tzu is extremely excited and is looking for a way to vent too much emotion.

Another typical behavior of pets is jumping on the owner, barking, or even grabbing the legs.

And if you have a pet that is still releasing excess emotions, try placing a stuffed toy or rubber teether near them at these times. This can help with the issue of jumping on people entering the house.

Hey, look at my toy

Sometimes too, he is trying to show how big and valuable his little toy is. All this so that his toy captivates you and makes you want to play a little!

Does your Shih Tzu have a favorite toy? Offering his favorite toy is a sign of his trust and love for you!

If he wants to be close to you when he has a bone and is determined to chew it in front of you or even touch you, this could mean he trusts you.

By behaving this way, your Shih Tzu is informing you that he recognizes you as a safe person whom he can eat because he knows that you will not try to take his food, and you can eat in peace without having to defend your bone.

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