Why does my Shih Tzu Follows me everywhere?

shih tzu follows me

Why does my Shih Tzu Follows me everywhere?

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Shih Tzu owners know that one of the best things about having a puppy is having a fluffy furry one wagging its tail and following you everywhere you go.

Personally, I love it. My Shih Tzu follows me wherever I go. He can’t resist being away from me.

When I get home, it sticks to me like Velcro, and won’t let go for a minute. And then he’s always there, lying close by. One of the hardest things is knowing that I don’t have him around when I’m away.,

But why does Shih Tzu follows me everywhere?

The most common reason is that he really enjoys being by our side. He has an amazing study that consisted of training dogs to be immobile in an MRI machine. After that, they were exposed to stimuli to see what reaction they would have.

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Shih Tzu

The result proved that Shih Tzu’s brains respond to familiar sounds and smells in a way that suggests they do, in fact, love us and consider us family.

But love isn’t the only reason your SHIH-TZU wants to be your #1 partner forever.

You can be a little sloppy while eating and your PET is following you just because of the crumbs of your snack that got stuck to your clothes and hands. You know, SHIH-TZU stuff.

Another study of pack dogs revealed that they tend to follow the friendliest dog rather than the leader.

See also: What Is The Difference Between A Shih Tzu And A Mini Shih Tzu?

So the fact that your pet follows you around all the time like a fan looking for an autograph suggests that he feels safe with you and means that you are doing something he enjoys.

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