Why Do Shih Tzus Scratch Themselves A Lot?

Why Do Shih Tzus Scratch Themselves A Lot?

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A few quick scratches during the night are normal. Just like us, dogs also feel the need to scratch sometimes.

However, if your Shih Tzu is scratching more frequently and for a longer period of time, something might be wrong.

If your dog has lesions, hair loss in a particular area (especially where they scratch), or uses their mouth to scratch, there’s no doubt: they need to visit your trusted veterinarian.

Shih Tzus are prone to dermatological problems, especially dermatitis. Intense itching with scaling and wounds can be a sign of atopic dermatitis.

The treatment for canine dermatitis should be started as soon as possible to avoid compromising the health of the dog’s coat.

What can be done to stop the Shih Tzu from scratching?

To eliminate itching and provide well-being to your pet’s skin, it’s important to maintain proper hygiene. Regularly using flea and tick medications is also important. However, the key to successful treatment is maintaining a balanced diet.


The causes can be diverse. Below, we list and explain the most common ones:

Although not surprising to Shih Tzu owners, it’s important to mention fleas and ticks on this list.

If the itching is caused by these parasites, treating them with flea and tick medication should solve the problem, right? Well, not exactly. In reality, many people only apply flea and tick treatments when their Shih Tzu is experiencing an infestation, but it’s ideal to maintain this medication as directed on the packaging.

In other words, if the flea and tick treatment is up to date, our Shih Tzu is not at risk of infestation, and prevention is always the best approach.

Furthermore, the bite of these parasites can also transmit more serious diseases, such as tick-borne illnesses.

Allergies are major culprits for itching in dogs. Here are the most common causes of allergies in dogs:

Food (certain foods and changes in diet can cause allergies).

Fleas (flea saliva can trigger an allergic reaction in some dogs. Preventing the appearance of this parasite is the best solution).

Plants (some plants can cause allergies in our furry friends).

Contact dermatitis (components of products, especially chemicals, can cause allergies).

Mange is a skin disease caused by mites. There is no vaccine to prevent mange, but curative measures such as specific shampoos, ointments, and medication can be prescribed by a veterinarian.

If your Shih Tzu is experiencing hair loss around the eyes, mouth, or paws, it could be mange.

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