Why a Shih Tzu Eats his Poop – How to prevent?

shih tzu eats poop

Why a Shih Tzu Eats his Poop – How to prevent?

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Do you wonder why your Shih Tzu eats his poop? Most of you may think that this happens because of the lack of some vitamins. Let’s say that this is not a real reason why they do this action. Have you ever thought that your Shih Tzu eats his own poop because he doesn’t even know what it is?  It seems strange, but some Shih Tzu are initially surprised by what comes out of their butt, lol. In most cases, this happens because of behavioral issues, so don’t worry about any medical issues.

A very significant case related to this matter is the mother’s behavior toward her puppies. She eats their poop and also cleans their urine to keep her puppies as clean as possible. This behavior can be imitated by puppies although it is not necessary.

See also: 8+ Common Shih Tzu Habits You Really Need To Understand

How to Prevent Shih Tzu from eating poop?

In some cases, the Shih Tzu’s desire to eat their poop goes away on its own, but in others, you need a constant effort to make them understand.

See also: 7+ Healthy Human Foods Your Shih Tzu Can Eat

Here is a list of what you should do:

  1. discourage and punish him when you catch him in the act. If your Shih Tzu will not obey you verbally, then act by punishing him by using a citronella collar that you can remotely trigger when he first opens his mouth.
  2. Limit their access. If you don’t take action as soon as possible, this will become more difficult over time. You may have to walk them on a leash instead of just letting them free.

3.   Make the Shih Tzu not want to repeat that behavior. Take a pair of latex gloves and food that he hates such as hot sauce, black pepper, or chili peppers. and throw it on top of their poop.

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