What To Do If Your Shih Tzu Licks His Paws Excessively?

What To Do If Your Shih Tzu Licks His Paws Excessively?

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The annoying sound of your Shih Tzu licking its paws is waking you up at night? Perhaps your Shih Tzu puppy is obsessively licking its feet until they become irritated, red, and sore.

If all of this sounds familiar, don’t worry! We might have the answers you’re looking for.

Occasionally, licking the paws is a fairly common behavior in Shih Tzu dogs, but excessive paw licking can sometimes be a sign that something is wrong.

Depending on how often and in what way your Shih Tzu is licking its paws, you may be able to determine the reason for the behavior and possibly even resolve it at home (although consulting your veterinarian is always the best course of action if you’re concerned).

Continue reading to find out why your Shih Tzu won’t stop licking its paws and helpful tips on how to put an end to the obsessive paw licking.

Why do Shih Tzus constantly lick their paws?

There are several reasons why you may find your Shih Tzu licking and chewing its paws. Some conditions and circumstances that can cause this canine behavior include:

1. Wounds
2. Environmental or food allergies
3. Anxiety or separation stress
4. Dry skin
5. Parasites

While it’s completely normal for your Shih Tzu to lick its paws as part of its self-grooming routine (especially when the paws are dirty or muddy), if you’ve noticed obsessive licking lately, it could be a sign that something more serious is lurking.

The first step to stopping your Shih Tzu from licking its paws? Identify the root cause of the behavior.

Here are five common reasons behind the obsessive paw licking:

1. Allergies
2. Bacterial or fungal infections
3. Stress, anxiety, and boredom
4. Pain, injuries, or arthritis
5. Dry skin

If you’ve tried to find a clear reason for your Shih Tzu’s constant paw licking and none of the above causes seem to fit, it’s best to reach out to your veterinarian.

How to stop your Shih Tzu from licking its paws

There are several ways to prevent your Shih Tzu from licking its paws excessively – mainly centered around finding the root of the problem and then working to resolve the behavior itself.

Below is a list of treatment options you can try when your dog won’t stop licking its paws:

1. Medicinal shampoos and topical treatments for dogs
2. Diet change
3. Natural home remedies
4. Paw balms and soaks
5. Boredom busters and exercises
6. Try a bandage or sock

Prevention and treatment for excessive paw licking

Here are some tips for preventing and dealing with excessive paw licking:
– Consider dog boots
– Clean and dry your Shih Tzu’s paws after walks
– Use moisturizer or balm
– Maintain a complete daily routine with your pet
– Use citrus or bitter apple sprays to deter licking
– Try an Elizabethan collar as a last resort or if the case is urgent

When should I worry about my Shih Tzu’s paw licking?
If your Shih Tzu won’t stop licking its paws and you’re worried it may indicate a more serious health problem, here’s a quick list of things to watch out for that should be addressed as soon as possible:
– Lick granulomas: a chronic skin problem caused by excessive paw licking
– Limping: a sign that your dog has a foreign object in its paw, like a grass seed
– Red paws: red and irritated skin between the paws and toes
– Bleeding paws: excessive licking until it bleeds is a cause for concern
– Clear signs of injury or infection

Addressing your Shih Tzu’s constant paw licking is crucial. Constant licking can keep the paw moist and cause an infection, such as yeast or bacterial growth on your Shih Tzu’s fur and skin. This can cause redness, swelling, more itching, and discomfort, making your Shih Tzu even lick its paws more – a dangerous cycle that leaves your Shih Tzu uncomfortable and unhealthy. Don’t wait to address your Shih Tzu’s paw licking!

We hope the above tips and reasons why your dog may be biting or licking its paws have been helpful!

Ultimately, paw licking can be a sign of a more serious medical problem and should not be ignored. So, if you think your dog is excessively licking its paw, talk to a veterinarian to discuss the best treatment and/or management plan for your Shih Tzu’s paw problem.

We wish you good luck!

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