What Makes Shih Tzu Dogs Stressed


What Makes Shih Tzu Dogs Stressed

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The feeling of stress can also manifest itself in Shih Tzu dogs. Shih Tzu dogs, for example, have different reactions when subjected to stressful and uncomfortable situations.

In general, the behavior of a stressed Shih Tzu varies according to some factors. For example, travel, environment, and upbringing, among other factors can make a Shih Tzu stressed.

Some Shih Tzu dogs become irritable and more aggressive, others become more agitated, and some become crestfallen, quiet, and seek isolation. It is worth remembering that this state of lethargy of a stressed Shih Tzu dog can be a sign that he wants to avoid anxiety. Hence this sad and sleepy behavior.

Factors that trigger stress at Shih Tzu

Why does the Shih Tzu gets stressed? The reasons that lead a Shih Tzu to change his behavior include issues related to treatment, the conditions of the environment in which he lives, and may even be related to socializing with other dogs.

Below we highlight 5 factors that, combined or not, can be the origin of a Shih Tzu’s stressed behavior:

The sound of fireworks stresses Shih Tzu

Fireworks are one of the most common sources of irritation and fear for Shih Tzus. Their hearing ability is quite developed, restless, and frightened.

An alternative to help the Shih Tzu when the fireworks burst is to train it to go to a hiding place already determined by the owner, usually a little house.

the feeling of pain

Shih Tzus can develop anxious behavior if they are in pain from injury or illness. The discomfort caused by pain can make you sad, discouraged, and in some cases aggressive.

Shih Tzu stress

In this case, it is important to carry out a general examination of the Shih Tzu. So that the vet can find any disorder that is causing the pain.

the creation environment

Shih Tzus raised in tight spaces or in poorly hygienic yards become susceptible to feeling stressed.

In the case of owners who live in apartments, it is important to reserve some time for the Shih Tzu tour. Dogs need contact with open spaces.

moments of solitude

The Shih Tzu are animals endowed with intense social behavior. They have a very strong bond with their owners. So, long periods alone and without proper interaction with the owner give them a feeling of abandonment, which can lead to stress.

It is important that the owner reserve moments of play and relaxation with his Shih Tzu.

change of routine

Shih Tzu dogs need to have routine activities. It can be a walk, play, or some other playful activity.

If one of these activities is interrupted, the Shih Tzu will show signs of stress such as excessive barking, moaning, apathy, and, depending on the breed, other symptoms.

Shih Tzu stress

Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing a Shih Tzu, the owner also takes into account his daily life. Thinking about how long the Shih Tzu will be alone and what space and conditions he will have to do some activity.

Adopting measures that prevent your faithful friend from stress is essential for the animal’s healthy life.

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