What Is The Difference Between A Shih Tzu And A Mini Shih Tzu?

shih tzu

What Is The Difference Between A Shih Tzu And A Mini Shih Tzu?

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One of the most sought-after dog breeds IN the USA is the Shih Tzu. With homes getting smaller and smaller, some people are looking for small dogs. Some breeders take the opportunity to breed breeds that don’t exist, like the mini Shih Tzu.

There is no such thing as a mini Shih Tzu!

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The Shih Tzu breed has been recognized by the Brazilian Confederation of Cyanophilia (CBKC) since 1940. However, there is no record of breed variations, such as mini, micro, or dwarf.

The smaller the shih Tzu dog, the greater the chance of health problems such as hydrocephalus, and shortened life span of the animal, among many others.

As much as you’ve heard about it and even see places selling puppies titled “Shih Tzus mini”, know that this is not a recognized and cataloged standard.

The Shih Tzu yes, is recognized according to the standards listed in this article. See more details below to understand why this pattern doesn’t exist.

Breed standard
The breed standard is quite extensive with a lot of detail. However, some outstanding characteristics of the breed:

  • small dog
  • Weight varies from 4.5 to 8 kg when adult. The ideal is 4.5 to 7 kg (no less than that)
  • Your head is wide and round
  • Large but not prominent eyes
  • Short snout, no more than 2.5 cm
  • His temperament is docile, affectionate, cheerful, and independent.
  • Its fur is abundant, but not excessive.
  • For more details on the breed standard, access the full CBKC document here.

History of the Shih-Tzu Dog

People tend to get confused between the Apso and Shih-Tzu breeds. However, there are a number of very distinct differences between them. The roots of these races are in Tibet. However, they were developed in China, where dogs like these lived in imperial palaces.

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China became a republic in 1912. Afterward, the breed found its way to the West. However, the first recorded importation into Great Britain took place after 1931.

Shih-Tzu dogs were recognized as a distinct breed from other Oriental breeds in 1934. Separate registration was made by The Kennel Club in 1940, with championship certificates available from 1949.

Breed health problems
Dogs of this breed can commonly have some specific issues, such as eye, kidney, and skin problems. “That’s why it’s important to look for a serious breeder when picking up the puppy” recommends Charly.

The breeder’s job is precisely to select the studs and not generate puppies with these health problems. According to Charly, the selection of studs is based on typicality (genetics), temperament, and health. “Dogs that show any temperamental deviation or hereditary disease or lack of racial standards are sterilized and not fit for reproduction”, he says.

The behavior of Shih Tzu puppies
Shih Tzus tend to have cheerful, docile, affectionate, and independent behavior. But they are sedentary. They don’t like a lot of physical activity. So, if the owner is looking for a more active dog to run in the park, for example, the Shih Tzu will definitely not suit you.

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