What Food Is Good For A Shih Tzu?

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What Food Is Good For A Shih Tzu?

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The Shih Tzu is a dog breed originating from Tibet, my country, and is now distributed in various countries around the world. It is a breed of high genetic value. However, many people do not know how to take care of Shih Tzu dogs after bringing them home. There are some tips to follow, including feeding and choosing the right dog food. The amount of food a Shih Tzu dog needs at different stages is also different, so it is important to pay more attention.

Fortunately, we have gathered all the necessary information to feed your Shih Tzu in the best way possible, with healthy and delicious food that will please the aristocratic dog!

In this Shih Tzu nutrition guide, we will cover what your Shih Tzu needs from its food, how much to feed, and how often, along with tips on common dietary issues.

How to take care of a Shih Tzu

When Shih Tzu puppies are first brought home, they may feel panic and fear being alone in a strange environment. The most obvious manifestation at this time is barking, especially at night. In this regard, the owner should not be bothered but should accompany them more, and they will stop barking when they get used to it.

Although the Shih Tzu is a small dog, it still needs to go for walks every day, which can meet its daily exercise needs and improve its immunity.

Regular grooming. Dogs with long hair like the Shih Tzu need their owners to help them groom their hair at least twice a day. Additionally, they need to be bathed regularly. In general, bathing the Shih Tzu once a week in summer and every two weeks in winter is sufficient. Once a week is fine, and you should use pet-specific bathing products for the bath.

After bringing them home, the owner needs to observe the Shih Tzu dogs for about a week. After ensuring their health, take them to the veterinary hospital for a comprehensive examination and then vaccinate them. Additionally, pay attention to regular deworming.

Daily Shih Tzu care

When raising Shih Tzu dogs, we must first let them adapt to the environment and then choose the right dog food to feed them. The amount of food a Shih Tzu dog needs at different stages is also different, so it is important to pay more attention. Shih Tzu dogs also require more daily care to ensure their growth.


Dogs’ ears are very delicate, especially Shih Tzu dogs’ ears, which are covered in long hair. They have low air permeability and are easy to get dirty, so they should be carefully maintained. When cleaning the ear canal, use a cotton swab and a clamp wrapped in absorbent cotton to gently insert it into the dog’s ear and rotate it slowly to clean it. You can drop some water to wash the ears before cleaning.


For dogs with large eyes like the Shih Tzu, dust can easily get into their eyes. If dust gets into their eyes, tilt the dog’s head up and put eye drops. Lift the dog’s eyelids with your fingers and put one or two drops. If you leave the area wet with tears, it will cause burns (the hair and skin around the eyes become red and droopy). If the area around the eyes is wet with tears, it needs to be cleaned with a towel.


If tartar from food residue is ignored, it can easily cause

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