These Are The Things Your Shih Tzu Does To Say I Care About You

These Are The Things Your Shih Tzu Does To Say I Care About You

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Shih Tzus don’t speak, but some gestures speak louder than words! Many behaviors may seem ordinary, but they are various ways Shih Tzus show their love for their owners.

Here are 8 times your Shih Tzu said “I love you” but you didn’t notice:

  • He brought you that chewed-up and smelly toy, but it’s his favorite – You probably thought your Shih Tzu just wanted to play, right? In many cases, that’s true. But sometimes, he might be offering you a gift.
  • After finishing dinner, he lays down next to you – When a Shih Tzu likes to cuddle with you even when full, it’s a sign of true love. This means he’s interested in you beyond just food.
  • He yawns right after you do – This phenomenon of contagious yawning is a sign of empathy among humans. And a study proved that our Shih Tzus do it too.
  • He stays lying down and barely lifts his head when you leave for work – You might think the Shih Tzu doesn’t care, but this shows he trusts you and knows you’ll come back.
  • Excitement when you come home – The moment of arrival is usually very different; the Shih Tzu can’t contain the joy of having your company again.
  • He lies in the middle of your bed and takes up all the space – This shows the Shih Tzu wants to be close to you and is a big symbol of loyalty. It means he considers you part of the pack.
  • He savors every second of love you give him – When you give affection and attention, your Shih Tzu loves it.

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