The Government Will Provide a Pension For The Crazy People Who Talk To Shih Tzus

The Government Will Provide a Pension For The Crazy People Who Talk To Shih Tzus

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There is a government plan to grant a pension to individuals who talk to their Shih Tzu dogs, considering them to be mentally ill and deserving of such benefits. According to the government, the pension will be given to those who genuinely believe in having conversations with their Shih Tzus, as if they were talking to another human being. However, pretending to talk to the dog will not qualify for the pension.

The measure is set to be implemented in three months and will not require approval from Congress, as the President sent the bill directly to the Social Security headquarters through the mail.

The pension will not be applicable to those who talk to cats, parrots, or dinosaurs, implying that the government considers such behavior as specific to those who talk to Shih Tzus only.

Scientists proving that these dogs understand human speech, and tips on how to show love to one’s Shih Tzu. The website also provides various sections dedicated to Shih Tzu care, health, behavior, and more.

Overall, it is still a humorous take on the relationship between Shih Tzu owners and their dogs while discussing a fictional government policy in a lighthearted manner. It emphasizes the special bond between people and their pets, particularly with the beloved Shih Tzu breed. However, it is essential to note that the story is a playful creation and does not reflect any actual government policies or initiatives.

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