Test If Your Shih Tzu Loves You

Test If Your Shih Tzu Loves You

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Your Shih Tzu Loves You. Unlike the constant tail-wagging that Shih Tzus do for everyone, there are specific signs of affection reserved for those they truly love. One of these signs is contagious yawning, which a study by the University of Tokyo suggests is a way Shih Tzus express empathy towards their owners.

This study reveals that Shih Tzus not only yawn contagiously, much like humans, but the strength of this contagion depends on the closeness between the Shih Tzu and the person yawning. In other words, they yawn for those they love.

To test if your Shih Tzu loves you, follow the steps based on the mentioned study:

  1. Sit in front of your Shih Tzu and call them by name.

When your Shih Tzu looks at you, yawn audibly. Put your Shih Tzu in a comfortable environment, ensuring they are calm and relaxed.

  1. Observe if they lean on you.

Leaning on a human can signify both anxiety and affection. Even if your Shih Tzu leans due to nervousness, it indicates they see you as someone who can protect and keep them safe.

  1. Post-meal cuddle moments.

If your Shih Tzu hugs you after eating, it’s a strong sign of genuine love. According to studies, this action suggests what matters most to your Shih Tzu beyond eating.

  1. Raised eyebrows.

Shih Tzus use facial expressions to communicate. Raised eyebrows, especially the left one, indicate excitement when they see their owners.

  1. Calm reaction when you leave.

If your Shih Tzu calmly accepts your departure without panicking, it signals trust and love. An anxious reaction may indicate separation anxiety.

  1. Excitement upon your return.

Being enthusiastically greeted by your Shih Tzu when you return home is a clear expression of love and joy.

  1. Sleeping in your room.

If your Shih Tzu prefers to sleep in your room, it’s a strong indicator of loyalty and affection. They want to be close to you.

  1. Offering favorite toys.

When your Shih Tzu presents you with their favorite toy, it’s not just about play. It’s a gesture of sharing and wanting to please you.

  1. Enjoying your love.

According to studies, Shih Tzus can sense if they are genuinely loved. So, cherish those moments of affection and love you share with your furry friend.

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