Study Says: If Shih Tzu Follows You Everywhere, He wants To Tell You Something Important

Study Says: If Shih Tzu Follows You Everywhere, He wants To Tell You Something Important

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SHIH-TZU owners know that one of the best things about having a little dog is having a cute furry one wagging its tail and following you everywhere around the house.

Personally, I love it. My Jimmy follows me wherever I go. He can’t resist being away from me.

When I come home, he sticks to me like velcro, not wanting to let go for a minute. And then he always stays close, lying nearby. One of the hardest things is knowing I don’t have him around when I’m away.

But why do SHIH-TZUs follow us everywhere?

The most common reason is that they really enjoy being by our side. There’s an amazing study that involved training dogs to remain still in a magnetic resonance imaging machine. After that, they were exposed to stimuli to see how they would react.

The result proved that SHIH-TZU brains respond to familiar sounds and smells in a way that suggests they do, indeed, love us and consider us family.

But love isn’t the only reason your SHIH-TZU wants to be your number one buddy forever.

You might be a bit messy while eating, and your PET follows you just because of the crumbs from snacks stuck to your clothes and hands. You know, typical SHIH-TZU stuff.

Another study with dogs in packs revealed that they tend to follow the friendliest dog, not the leader.

So, the fact that your pet follows you around like a fan seeking an autograph suggests he feels secure by your side and means you’re doing something he enjoys.

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