Shih Tzu Weight and Growth Phases

Shih Tzu Weight and Growth Phases

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Stages of Development of a Shih Tzu Puppy may seem like Shih Tzu puppies jump from infancy straight to adolescence in the blink of an eye, but if you pay close attention, you can notice that growth doesn’t happen all at once. All Shih Tzu puppies go through various stages of development from their first day on earth until they reach maturity, where they achieve their full potential.

Consider, however, that these stages are not exclusively dictated by physical changes but mental ones as well. Behavior professionals often refer to these stages as “critical” due to their lasting effect on the future behavior of the Shih Tzu. Learning more about these stages paves the way towards better understanding your Shih Tzu puppy and gives you an important advantage in knowing what to expect in the weeks and months to come. These are the 9 stages of a Shih Tzu’s infancy.

Shih Tzu puppies at 2 weeks enter the Neonatal period.

Shih Tzu at 2 weeks – As the name suggests, this is the first stage of a Shih Tzu puppy’s infancy and begins on the day they are born. Born blind, deaf, toothless, and unable to control their temperature, Shih Tzus are quite vulnerable in the first few days after birth. Thankfully, the mother is very protective and takes care of them. She will keep the Shih Tzu puppies warm, feed them, clean them, and help them eliminate by licking their rear. Shih Tzu puppies at this stage sleep a lot, around 90% of the time, and squirm a lot during sleep. The remaining 10% is spent feeding. Their immune system develops through the intake of maternal milk, a liquid called colostrum, which is very rich in antibodies. This immunity will protect them from diseases during their first weeks of life. Despite being blind and deaf, Shih Tzu puppies at this stage are able to use their sense of smell well enough to detect their mother so they can crawl to her for care.

Shih Tzu puppies at 30 days enter the Transitional stage.

Shih Tzu at 30 days – At this stage, Shih Tzu puppies become explorers as the world presents itself to their eyes. Indeed, at this stage, the puppies’ eyes open, and their hearing develops. Since Shih Tzu puppies can now see their mothers and siblings, they can begin to learn the ABCs of canine society. During this time, the puppies also gain more strength in their legs and become capable of standing on all fours. As they stumble around, the desire to play begins to awaken, and Shih Tzu puppies learn to communicate through new vocalizations. While during the neonatal stage, Shih Tzu puppies are entirely dependent on their mother, in the transitional stage, they begin to gain some independence. They start eliminating on their own, and their first tooth emerges. It is not uncommon to see some Shih Tzu puppies already interested in their mother’s food bowl, and some may even take a little taste.

Shih Tzu puppies at 45 days enter the Socialization stage.

Shih Tzu at 45 days – In the fourth week, the critical window of socialization opens. During this time, the breeder should begin exposing the Shih Tzu puppies to positive experiences that will have a lasting effect on the future behavior of the Shih Tzu. Now that Shih Tzu puppies can walk more, they will continue to play, and through play with their siblings, they will learn valuable lessons about bite inhibition. When a Shih Tzu puppy is too rough, its siblings alert it to be gentler with its teeth. Around 4 weeks, the mother will begin to produce less milk. With the development of sharp teeth, nursing becomes painful for the mother, and her reluctance to feed her Shih Tzu puppies initiates the weaning process. Shih Tzu puppies can now begin to taste new sources of food. By the time Shih Tzu puppies reach 8 weeks, they should be fully weaned and ready to go to their new homes. Although some smaller breeds are better off staying with their mother and siblings until 12 weeks.

Shih Tzu puppies at 2 months experience the First Fear Period.

Shih Tzu at 2 months – The fear phase overlaps somewhat with the socialization phase. When Shih Tzu puppies are sent to their new homes, around 8 weeks, they will go through the first phase of fear, which occurs between 8 and 11 weeks. During this time, Shih Tzu puppies may be scared and should not be exposed to situations that may frighten them, such as being sent on a trip to another side of the world or undergoing elective surgeries. With gentle exposure, taking care not to overstimulate them, Shih Tzu puppies can continue to be socialized successfully. Avoid places frequented by stray or unvaccinated dogs, as at this stage, your Shih Tzu puppy is vulnerable to potentially fatal infectious diseases. This is a good time to start training sessions for Shih Tzu puppies with a good trainer. The size of a Shih Tzu at 2 months varies greatly from the father and mother of the puppy.

Shih Tzu puppies at 3 months enter the Senior stage.

Shih Tzu at 3 months – This is a pre-adolescent stage where the Shih Tzu puppy may engage in testing behaviors to see what is acceptable and what it can get away with. Biting is quite common at this stage, and you should provide clear and consistent rules about what is and what is not allowed. Shih Tzu puppies at this time need a structured environment but should be treated with affection. Chewing behaviors should be redirected to appropriate toys. Exercising will help the Shih Tzu puppy learn to enjoy touch for future visits to the veterinarian and the pet shop. Praising and rewarding appropriate responses will help form a positive attitude. It is also possible to estimate the weight of the Shih Tzu in the future because the weight of the Shih Tzu at 3 months may represent half of the weight in adulthood. This is done by estimation, as the Shih Tzu grows until at most 6 to 7 months. The calculation is simple: if your Shih Tzu at 3 months weighs 3.5 kg, it could weigh up to 7 kg in adulthood (this is not an exact calculation, it is an estimate that most of the time works). We posted photos of Shih Tzu at 3 months for you to review the photos see here!

Shih Tzu puppies at 5 months experience the Flying Instinct.

Shih Tzu at 5 months – During this time, Shih Tzu puppies begin to test their wings to “take flight.” They will become more independent and may sniff around ignoring your requests to come back to you entirely. This is a good time to polish the command to call, making it really interesting. Always keep your Shih Tzu puppy on a leash when not in a closed area. During this time, you may also notice an increase in biting from Shih Tzu puppies. Be sure to have various toys for your Shih Tzu to play with.

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