Shih Tzu Natural Recipe To Get Rid Of Ticks And Fleas

shih tzu Ticks And Fleas

Shih Tzu Natural Recipe To Get Rid Of Ticks And Fleas

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Today we brought you a natural recipe, without contraindications, that can stop the invasion of ticks and fleas in your home and in your Shih Tzu.

See also: Learn How To Leave Your Shih Tzu Alone At Home

The ingredients are very simple and also make the shih tzu’s fur very soft. Check out the recipe:

Natural Recipe to Kill Ticks and Fleas

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  • Apple Cider Vinegar: 200 ml
  • Sea salt: half a teaspoon
  • Baking soda: half a teaspoon
  • Warm water: two or three tablespoons

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 Get Rid Of Ticks


  • Put the vinegar, salt, and bicarbonate of soda in a spray bottle.
  • Then add the spoons of warm water and shake the bottle to mix
  • Spray your pet’s fur with this preparation, especially on the ears, legs, and neck.

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This remedy will take care of removing intruders naturally, but it is good to get into the habit of inspecting your shih tzu’s hair to remove any insects that have not been removed with the remedy.

Brushing your shih tzu daily is also good practice against pests.

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See also : Shih Tzu Negative Traits

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