Shih Tzu Licking Paws? Use This Remedy Before It Worsens

Shih Tzu Licking Paws? Use This Remedy Before It Worsens

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Shih Tzu is a small breed of dog known for its long, flowing hair and friendly nature. If you are a Shih Tzu owner or planning to get one, it’s important to understand their behavior and take care of their specific needs. One common issue that Shih Tzu owners often wonder about is why their dogs lick their paws. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind this behavior and provide remedies to address the issue.

Health problems can be one reason why a Shih Tzu licks its paws. Allergies or arthritis in the hips and back can cause pain and itching in the lower extremities, leading to excessive licking. It’s essential to consult a veterinarian if you suspect any underlying health issues.

Boredom and anxiety can also trigger paw licking in Shih Tzus, just like in humans. Since they don’t have as many technological distractions, they may resort to licking themselves when they feel bored or anxious.

Allergies, especially seasonal ones, can manifest as paw licking in Shih Tzus. If your dog doesn’t show other allergy symptoms, such as sneezing or itching all over, it’s possible that the licking is a response to specific allergens in the environment, like pollen.

Dry skin can also cause paw licking in Shih Tzus, particularly if they are exposed to harsh elements like snow or hot pavement during winter or summer walks. Dry skin leads to itching, which further prompts licking. If you notice your Shih Tzu puppy doing this, try moisturizing their paw pads with coconut oil until the issue subsides.

Sometimes, dry paw pads are not related to an underlying condition but are caused by walking on hot pavement in extreme temperatures or not drinking enough water throughout the day. If you take your Shih Tzu puppy for walks in extremely cold weather where salt has been deposited or in scorching heat where the asphalt becomes too hot underfoot (also for us humans), make sure to carry water with you so you can provide some relief as needed. Additionally, it’s advisable to walk them back home instead of letting them walk alone if they need a break from the scorching pavement.

There are remedies available to prevent Shih Tzus from licking their paws. One option is using a homemade sour apple remedy with a bitter taste. If your Shih Tzu dislikes it, there are other commercial options in the market that can address the issue. To use the homemade remedy, simply apply it to a cotton ball and swab the affected area whenever needed until your Shih Tzu puppy stops the behavior. Alternatively, consider an over-the-counter treatment like Vet’s Best Natural Bitter Spray, which can be applied directly to the area that needs protection from your Shih Tzu’s teeth.

When choosing a remedy, consider whether it contains alcohol, which can cause a burning sensation on sensitive skin. This is especially important if your Shih Tzu has any open cuts or hot spots caused by excessive licking. Remember that these remedies only work when applied consistently until complete healing occurs, so don’t give up too quickly.

If your Shih Tzu is licking its paws, it could be a minor issue or a symptom of a more significant medical problem. If you’re unsure about the reason behind the paw licking, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a veterinarian. Shih Tzus lick their paws to help heal themselves as their tongues have antibacterial properties. Sometimes, they may have come into contact with an irritating substance, and licking provides relief. Paw licking can also be caused by dry skin or itching, similar to how humans scratch when they feel itchy.

Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy to stop Shih Tzus from licking their paws. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, apple cider vinegar can soothe the skin and eliminate potential irritants that might be causing your Shih Tzu’s licking behavior. It’s believed to have a similar effect on your dog’s paws as it does on human skin when used as a toner, helping restore the balance of bacteria on the skin to its optimal level.

Keeping your Shih Tzu’s paws clean and dry can help prevent paw licking or stop it from occurring. It’s essential to clean their paws regularly, especially if your Shih Tzu enjoys scratching them. Regular cleaning removes dirt, debris, and other irritants that may be present on the paw pads or between the toes.

It also eliminates any sweat (yes, dogs sweat through their paws), which can attract bacteria that cause inflammation and itching. If possible, try washing your Shih Tzu’s paws when they have been out on wet grass or muddy areas, so they don’t excessively lick them after coming back inside.

If your Shih Tzu continues to lick its paws despite trying various remedies, you can try putting socks on its feet for a few days to see if it helps stop the licking.

Loosely place a sock over your Shih Tzu’s foot, ensuring that the dewclaw is exposed, and make the opening at the top of the sock large enough for easy slipping on. If your Shih Tzu has any skin irritation around the toes or ankles, you can put a thin

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