Shih Tzu Licked Me And I Found It Disgusting, But Since I Read This, It’s All I Want

Shih Tzu Licked Me

Shih Tzu Licked Me And I Found It Disgusting, But Since I Read This, It’s All I Want

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Is there anyone more faithful than your Shih Tzu? It’s always amazing to see their dedication to their owners, their excitement at seeing us come home, and their never-ending affection for the human family.

Many Shih Tzus express their adoration by licking our hands and faces, something some people let go of but many other owners resist. It’s so cute and loving, but for some, it can also be quite disgusting.

It sure sounds unhygienic and there are reasons to be careful, but there are also good reasons to let go of inhibitions and get licked and loved by your Shih Tzu.

See also: Shih Tzu Negative Traits

  1. Shih Tzu’s breath is good for you
Shih Tzu lick

Shih Tzus have a different immune system than ours, so the composition of microorganisms in their mouth and saliva is different from ours. Letting our Shih Tzu breathe on us and have contact with our mouth can have a positive effect on our immune system, filling probiotic gaps, so to speak.

  1. Human breath is good for Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu kiss

It’s not just you who benefits: your dog’s immune system can be complemented and helped by your microorganisms too!

  1. Shih Tzu licks improve your mood

Strengthening your immune system through canine contact in childhood can help you avoid allergies and asthma later on. Also, adults who grew up with a Shih Tzu at home, especially when they were babies and toddlers, have a lower risk of developing allergies to Shih Tzu fur, etc.

  1. Shih Tzu licks improve your mood
Shih Tzu licking

Being kissed increases the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, in addition to producing more of the hormone oxytocin. These three together are like a happiness+relaxation cocktail and our Shih Tzus offer it for free whenever we need it.

  1. Licking tightens your bond

At the same time, our neurological cocktail of happiness is served when we hug because there is a strong link between physical security, connection, and emotional well-being. This experience is not just exclusive to cuddling with other humans, it also happens when we snuggle with our puppy.

So when you hug your Shih Tzu and you get that lick in return, you both benefit physically and emotionally, becoming more united.

  1. Licking indicates that you are the boss

In the wild, wolves and coyotes lick the pack leader to show that they know who’s boss. Shih Tzus have this instinctive behavior as well. So when your Shih Tzu licks you, it’s a sign of obedience and recognition of your authority.

See also: 8+ Common Shih Tzu Habits You Really Need To Understand

  1. Dogs that lick are dogs that care
Shih Tzu Licked Me

Shih Tzus don’t just lick their canine friends to praise the pack leader, but also to show concern. Mothers lick their young to clean and keep them warm. So when your dog does this to you, it’s also a sign that he or she loves you and wants you to be happy. This is a great quality that we should encourage in a puppy.

  1. Licking relieves a Shih Tzu’s stress
Shih Tzu Licked Me

Shih Tzus also lick to reduce stress. If they can’t lick you, it can increase their stress and they will compensate by licking their favorite toy or paws. So do your puppy a favor and let him lick you. If you really can’t stand getting those ruffled canine kisses on the face, offer your hand or arm instead.

Licking has some advantages, as you can see. How big is your devotion? Do you let your Shih Tzu lick?

Therefore, please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments on Facebook.

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