Seven Health Issues Elderly Shih Tzu Can Have

Seven Health Issues Elderly Shih Tzu Can Have

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As health problems can affect an elderly Shih Tzu, it’s essential to understand their changing needs and how to help them age gracefully. Shih Tzu, like humans, experience various health issues as they grow older. Despite these challenges, elderly Shih Tzu can lead happy and healthy lives with proper care and attention. Here are seven common health problems that elderly Shih Tzu may face and ways to alleviate them:

1. Dental Issues: – Poor oral hygiene and dental diseases can harm the teeth, gums, and even other organs in elderly Shih Tzu. It’s essential to maintain good oral health through daily brushing, chew toys, and professional dental cleanings.

2. Joint Pain and Stiffness: – Arthritis, hip dysplasia, and spinal problems are common joint issues in elderly Shih Tzu. These conditions can lead to reduced activity, difficulty moving, and pain. Treatments may include nutritional supplements, physiotherapy, and weight management.

3. Tumors and Swellings: – Elderly Shih Tzu, like humans, can develop cancer. The appearance of lumps or abnormal growths should not be ignored. Early diagnosis is crucial, and consult your veterinarian for proper evaluation and potential treatments.

4. Cognitive Dysfunction: – Cognitive dysfunction, or dementia, can alter an elderly dog’s behavior. Symptoms include house soiling, confusion, increased need for attention, altered sleep patterns, and more. Although it’s not curable, dietary changes and medication can help manage this condition.

5. Visual Impairment: – Changes in your elderly Shih Tzu’s eyes can affect their vision. Look for signs like bumping into objects or cloudy eyes. Some visual changes are normal with age, while others may be related to conditions like cataracts.

6. Hearing Loss: – Many elderly Shih Tzu experience hearing loss. Using visual cues and hand signals can help communicate with your hearing-impaired pet and maintain a happy life.

7. Reduced Activity Levels: – As dogs age, they might become less active. However, it’s essential to keep them engaged and prevent obesity and muscle loss.

Modify the intensity and duration of activities based on your Shih Tzu’s health, and consider low-impact exercises like swimming.It’s crucial to remember that each dog is unique, and their care should be tailored to their specific needs. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and a loving environment are key to helping your elderly Shih Tzu enjoy their later years to the fullest.

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