Scientists Are Saying That Shih Tzu Can Make You Look Younger

Scientists Are Saying That Shih Tzu Can Make You Look Younger

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In addition to being humans’ best friends, dogs are the greatest influencers in combating aging.

The simple fact of having a pet rejuvenates a person by up to 10 years, according to scientists from the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

“If you have a Shih Tzu at home, your level of physical activity is equivalent to that of a person ten years younger,” said researcher Zhiqiang Feng of the university to the British newspaper “Daily Mail.”

“Maybe it doesn’t add a decade to your life, but it’s very beneficial,” he said.

It is proven that staying active prevents a series of diseases, especially those related to muscles and bones.

Besides the physical benefits, SHIH TZU also influences mental health.

“On average, dog owners have lower levels of depression,” the researcher said.

“The bond between the pet and the owner benefits the person’s overall health.”

The study, published in the journal “Preventive Medicine,” gathered 547 people to evaluate their movements.

The result showed that dog owners are more likely to engage in physical activities than other people.

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