Psychologist Claims That Shih Tzus Dream About Their Owners And Is Very Interesting

Psychologist Claims That Shih Tzus Dream About Their Owners And Is Very Interesting

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According to Dr. Deirdre, Shih Tzus dream about everyday things, and the owner is an important part of their life.

Every owner has tried to imagine what their Shih Tzu is dreaming when it moves, barks, or cries while sleeping.

According to experts, Shih Tzus have sleep similar to humans. This means they have the three stages (NREM, REM, and SWS) and dream during REM sleep. Deirdre, a psychologist and Harvard professor, studies dreams in humans and animals.

In an interview with People, she said:

Humans dream about the same things they are interested in during the day, although it is more visual and less logical. There is no reason to think it’s different with animals.

Since dogs are generally extremely attached to their human owners, it’s likely that your Shih Tzu is dreaming about your face, your scent, and trying to please or annoy you.

And she gave a valuable tip for Shih Tzus and humans to have good dreams: have happy experiences during the day and get enough sleep in a safe and comfortable environment.

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