Pets To Be Allowed To Enter Restaurants

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Pets To Be Allowed To Enter Restaurants

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The Portuguese Parliament has recently approved projects from the PAN, BE, and PEV parties that allow pets in enclosed restaurants, in addition to assistance dogs already permitted by law. The projects received different votes from various party members, deviating from their official positions.

The PAN project, initiated by a petition from MP André Silva, aims to amend the existing legislation that prohibits animals in indoor food and beverage establishments, even with the owner’s permission.

The proposal suggests giving the decision-making authority to the establishment owners, with the condition that animals are not allowed in food preparation areas. The project received favorable votes from PS, CDS-PP, BE, PCP, and PEV, in addition to the PAN. Some members from CDS-PP and PS voted against, while the PSD and several members from PS and CDS-PP abstained.

The BE project proposes the creation of specific areas within establishments to accommodate pets, properly marked and designated. It received similar support from the same parties, with PSD and members from PS and CDS-PP abstaining. Only one member from CDS-PP voted against.

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