My Shih Tzu Is Terrified of Thunders, What Can I Do To Help Him?

My Shih Tzu Is Terrified of Thunders, What Can I Do To Help Him?

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Storm anxiety can deeply affect shih tzus, causing behaviors like panting, hiding, or becoming destructively panicked. This fear can also extend to other loud noises like fireworks. Factors like breed, age, sex, and previous experiences can increase a dog’s sensitivity to storms.

Veterinarians believe the fear may stem from a mix of environmental changes and static electricity buildup, which can be more distressing for female and neutered male shih tzus.

Calming Strategies for Thunder-Phobic Shih Tzus:

  • Seek Veterinary Advice: Consult with a vet about anti-anxiety medications to ease your pet’s storm anxiety. Though the idea of medication might be daunting, it can significantly improve your shih tzu’s quality of life during storms.
  • Create Safe Spaces: Allow your dog to find comfort in safe spots like a covered crate or a closet. These should be places where your pet feels secure and can retreat to when scared.
  • Avoid Confinement: Locking a scared dog in a small space can increase its anxiety. Instead, provide options for your shih tzu to choose where it feels safest.
  • Adjust to Atmospheric Changes: Some dogs are sensitive to changes in air pressure. Placing them in areas where they feel less affected, like a bathroom with a rubber mat, might help.
  • Mask the Noise: Distract your dog from the thunder by using the sound from TVs, radios, or white noise machines. Closing windows and using air conditioning can also reduce the noise level.

If you’re unsure how to proceed or if your dog’s fear seems insurmountable, contacting your veterinarian is the best course of action. They can offer guidance tailored to your shih tzu’s specific needs, ensuring their well-being during storms.

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