Make Your Shih Tzu’s Life Longer By Following These Tips

Make Your Shih Tzu’s Life Longer By Following These Tips

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Taking good care of your shih tzu is important for them to live a long life. Here are their five biggest enemies and how to deal with each one:

  1. Sugar: Just like for us, excess sugar is bad for shih tzus. Avoid giving them sweets, including chocolates and very sweet fruits. Foods with artificial sweeteners are also harmful.
  2. Obesity: Chunky dogs may look cute, but obesity reduces their quality of life and life expectancy. Avoid overfeeding and ensure your shih tzu gets enough exercise, like daily walks.
  3. Not neutering: Neutering your shih tzu can help them live longer by reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases. Female dogs have fewer chances of developing pyometra, an inflammation in the uterus.
  4. Low-quality food: Processed foods may contain harmful substances. Look for quality pet food or consider preparing homemade meals with professional guidance.
  5. Poor hygiene: As shih tzus age, they may develop dental and skin problems. Maintain hygiene by bathing them on warmer days, cleaning their ears, and regularly brushing their teeth.

By following these tips, you can increase your shih tzu’s life expectancy and enjoy more time with them.

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