Leaving Your Shih Tzu Outside Will Harm Him

Leaving Your Shih Tzu Outside Will Harm Him

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If you live in the city, your urban SHIH TZU probably follows a schedule of two daily walks to exercise, socialize, and do his business. But if your house comes with a yard and a fence, it’s much easier to keep a SHIH TZU.

The simplicity of letting your SHIH TZU have morning freedom while you’re still in your robe and slippers is unbeatable. Add a dog door, and you won’t even have to get out of bed!

He can meet his needs on his own schedule. Does your SHIH TZU only stay in the yard? How good is that for him?

When SHIH TZU become teenagers, they never tire of exercise, and their contradictions often frustrate owners. The next day, he’s chewing the house like a saw. In one of these fits, the owner is already sending the SHIH TZU out to the yard or balcony.

At first, it might just be during meals to prevent the SHIH TZU from begging for food, or when visitors come to prevent him from jumping. Then, when you go to work, to prevent him from chewing the house while alone.

Before you know it, the only time he’s inside is during storms or cold days. Is this a good life for a SHIH TZU?

Just staying in the yard isn’t good for the SHIH TZU

A SHIH TZU kept outside experiences social isolation. He starts barking and howling too much in an attempt to gather his pack. When a family member goes out to spend time with him, he jumps and vocalizes, showing such intense enthusiasm that the person won’t want to come back for a second visit.

Over time, an isolated SHIH TZU will become excessively independent and difficult to train. He will no longer have the desire to please, as what he needs now is to occupy his time in every possible way. His motto becomes “If it’s fun, do it!”

Digging up plants. Digging holes. Fighting at the fence with the neighbor’s dog. Without human interaction, these are rewarding activities for a SHIH TZU that stays in the yard.

There’s nothing wrong with letting a well-behaved SHIH TZU spend a day doing nothing on the grass, enjoying the sun, or playing with fallen leaves. But when the yard takes the place of teaching appropriate behavior, you need to take a few steps back and think about why you have a SHIH TZU.

SHIH TZU are companions, and as such, they belong in our homes and our families. Just because you have a yard doesn’t mean your SHIH TZU should be restricted to it. Take the time to teach him to behave and socialize him with the world beyond your home. You’ll find that you have the best company possible.

REMEMBER: The Shih Tzu is adorable, which is why it’s one of the most beloved dog breeds in Brazil. They are very calm and lazy dogs, rarely engaging in physical activities.

However, these little dogs should be encouraged to go for walks to avoid idleness or obesity. And remember that they are one of the best dog breeds for apartments. So it wouldn’t be nice to leave your Shih Tzu in the yard or balcony.

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