If Your Shih Tzu Follows You To This Place, They’re Secretly Saying Something

If Your Shih Tzu Follows You To This Place, They’re Secretly Saying Something

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Shih Tzu lovers will all agree: that owning a Shih Tzu puppy is a unique experience. They provide us with unforgettable moments, are great companions, and are attentive listeners, even if they don’t always follow all the rules we set for them.

If we consider it carefully, the nickname “man’s best friend” fits them perfectly, doesn’t it? They are the only beings in the world to whom we can reciprocate love by rubbing their bellies and giving them treats. They’re simply incredible!

Since Shih Tzus don’t express themselves through speech as we do, they’ve found various ways to say “I love you.”

1: Puppy Dog Eyes

They aren’t called “puppy dog eyes” for no reason! If your Shih Tzu gazes at you with those lovely eyes that melt our hearts, then know that this is one of their ways of expressing their tender feelings for you. According to PetHelpful, dogs and humans are the only mammals that make eye contact in this way, which is a huge sign of trust and adoration.

2: Leaning Into You

Shih Tzus loves affection, maybe even more than we do! If your Shih Tzu leans into you, they are likely just saying that they’d like more hugs and kisses. According to VetStreet, “This is simple affection-seeking behavior.”

3: Following You Everywhere

Does your Shih Tzu follow you? They can be a bit annoying, especially when you just want some peace in the bathroom. However, there’s a reason behind this behavior. Shih Tzus are very loving and affectionate animals, so they assume the role of doing everything with their family. When they follow you to the bathroom, it’s their way of saying, “You’re my best friend; we do everything together.”

4: Staying in Your Room

When you go to work, it can be heart-wrenching to leave your beloved furry friend at home, right? Don’t worry! There’s a good chance your canine friend will crawl onto your side of the bed and take a nap. According to the Wall Street Journal, this is one way they keep us close until we return.

5: Bringing You Gifts

Dogs often bring us gifts, but we may not always notice. That favorite toy of theirs? They only lend it to very special people, just like the critters they hunt. Expert Jennifer Hammond says, “These behaviors demonstrate a distinct desire on the part of our Shih Tzus to share affection and happiness.”

6: Sensing When You’re Sad

Humans and dogs have been living together for 15,000 years. It’s no wonder they can tell when we’re not feeling our best.

7: Kissing Your Face or Feet

Our best friends love to give us a bath with their tongues, whether we like it or not! According to My Dog House, licking your feet repeatedly can relieve a Shih Tzu’s stress because it’s a submissive behavior that reinforces the idea that you’re the leader!

8: Seeking Your Approval

Does Shih Tzus know how important they are to their owners? Your opinion matters, and they must know how much you love them. Some studies show that Shih Tzu’s delight in praise from loved ones.

9: Going Crazy When You Come Home

Does your Shih Tzu act as if they haven’t seen you for two years every time you come home, even if you’ve just gone to take out the trash? Gizmodo says that Shih Tzus feels happiness just like humans; they just have a different language. Instead of saying, “I missed you and I’m so happy now – let’s go for a walk,” they start running around the house and barking.

10: Cuddling After a Meal

Shih Tzus are super protective when it comes to mealtime. They fear that someone will steal their food. So, the person they choose to cuddle with after a meal is extremely important! It’s their way of saying that they feel relaxed with that person.

In the end, Shih Tzus loves us and expresses that love in various ways every day!

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