How To Spot And Reduce Separation Anxiety In Your Shih Tzu?

Separation Anxiety shih tzu

How To Spot And Reduce Separation Anxiety In Your Shih Tzu?

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It can be very difficult to see your Shih Tzu in separation anxiety on a daily basis, especially when you love your puppy so much. It is true there are times you just cannot be with your Shih Tzu, but he wants to be with you. Shih Tzus are really smart and know when you are leaving, and those who have separation anxiety will start to whine, pace, and drool. 

When you come home you may find Shih Tzu destroying something, pooping on the floor, and other things, just because of separation anxiety. 

Reduce Separation Anxiety

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How To Spot It?

When you are leaving home, he will start to panic, pacing, bark for no reason, and other anxiety behaviors. Even when seeing you preparing to leave makes him more anxious. 

Reduce Separation Anxiety

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How To Reduce It?

It is difficult, but you can reduce the anxiety level in your Shih Tzu. Help your Shih Tzu play with him and give him things ‘to do’ while you are away. Daily exercises are the best way to lower his anxiety level. Take him for a walk and for play sessions. 

You can send your Shih Tzu to a doggie daycare or just hire a dog walker so they are not feeling alone.

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