How to Remove Knots from SHIH TZU Fur Without Cutting It

How to Remove Knots from SHIH TZU Fur Without Cutting It

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Do you know how to untangle a Shih Tzu’s fur? When acquiring a Shih Tzu, we often debate whether to have short or long fur. Both are beautiful, but long-haired ones resemble plush toys and are incredibly irresistible.

Of course, long Shih Tzu fur can lead to complications in grooming, such as stubborn knots that we don’t know how to untangle.

Shih Tzus are lovely dogs with fur falling over their eyes, resembling cotton candy when leaving the salon. However, as days pass, their fur gets tangled, forming knots, until we decide on the extreme measure of cutting it.

Here’s how to remove knots from a SHIH TZU’s fur:

  1. Choose a moment when you’re not in a hurry, as you’ll need plenty of time. Prepare yourself mentally for hard work and patience.
  2. Don’t think a bath will make the knots disappear; they’ll still be there, just wet. Start treating the fur dry.
  3. Begin by locating the knots. If you brush your Shih Tzu daily, you’re likely to have fewer knots.
  4. Once you find a knot, try to gently open it with your hands. Avoid pulling from the root to prevent hurting your Shih Tzu. Place one hand under the tangle and comb from root to tip, on both sides.

Repeat this for each knot, especially those close to the skin. For stubborn knots, use a rake comb, holding the root with your fingers to avoid hurting your Shih Tzu, gently pulling to loosen the knots.

Afterward, repeat with the regular brush.

Once you’ve dealt with all the knots, proceed to the shower. After washing with a moisturizing shampoo, apply a dog mask to soften the fur and knots.

Leave it on for a few minutes. Make sure your Shih Tzu doesn’t lick the mask to avoid intoxication. Rinse and recheck for knots. Wet fur makes them more visible. If you find any overlooked knots, repeat the previous steps.

When certain there are no knots or tangles, it’s time to dry and brush your Shih Tzu.

The final result is beautiful. Be patient, and your Shih Tzu can look just as good.

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