How to Make a Birthday Cake for Your Shih Tzu

How to Make a Birthday Cake for Your Shih Tzu

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It is important to use dog-friendly ingredients because many common cake ingredients like sugar and salt can harm Shih Tzus.

We provide three different cake recipes for Shih Tzus’ birthdays:

1. **Banana and Peanut Butter Cake:**
– Ingredients: Unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter, an egg, mashed banana, baking powder, and cottage cheese.
– Instructions: Mix the ingredients together, pour into a greased baking dish, and bake until done. After cooling, you can spread peanut butter on top.

2. **Meat Cake:**
– Ingredients: Bacon, ground meat, cooked barley or brown rice, grated carrot, an egg, and cream cheese.
– Instructions: Fry the bacon, then mix it with the other ingredients. Bake until the meat is fully cooked. After cooling, you can cover it with cream cheese.

3. **Apple Cake:**
– Ingredients: An egg, thinly sliced apple (with skin), cream cheese, wheat flour, and honey.
– Instructions: Mix all the ingredients, bake, and after cooling, you can top it with cream cheese or sweeten it with a bit of honey.

We also offer some tips and warnings. You can use dog food elements to decorate the cake but we advise against adding sugar or salt. Also we warn against using chocolate and white flour, recommending whole wheat flour as a healthier alternative.

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