How Does The Shih Tzu Choose Its Owner And How To Understand It

How Does The Shih Tzu Choose Its Owner And How To Understand It

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Shih Tzu are incredibly loyal and companions. They have lived with humans for thousands of years due to their qualities of loyalty, protection, and companionship. Nevertheless, within each family, they tend to choose a favorite person.

Understanding how these relationships form and are maintained is not an easy task. Many components come into play, and what brings happiness needs continuous nurturing.

Almost every family member wants to be chosen as “the favorite.” While they will dedicate friendship, attention, and affection to all family members, it becomes easier to establish and perpetuate bonds when the feeling is mutual.

Most dogs build positive and productive relationships with the entire family, even with occasional visitors who spend only a few hours or days at home.

There are various reasons a Shih Tzu chooses its favorite person. Generally, they gravitate towards those who take care of them—providing food, shelter, attention, and playtime. They may distance themselves from those who are too distant or overly effusive in their affection.

Shih Tzu, especially puppies, might keep their distance from small children who may not know how to handle them gently. Initial contacts with those responsible for early education, like training “yes” and “no,” may also be ignored at first.

Relationships are a two-way street. For friendship and love to flourish, the owners must also play their part. Shih Tzu often first bond with those who fulfill their basic needs, but becoming the favorite can also result from being a playmate—where children often have an advantage.

Becoming the favorite involves investing time in the relationship. Quality time, treats, and spontaneous play, along with understanding and meeting their needs, contribute to a healthy and balanced bond. As Shih Tzu don’t form relationships with a large number of people, the repetition of positive experiences serves to strengthen these connections.

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