How does the Shih Tzu choose its owner?

How does the Shih Tzu choose its owner?

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Trying to understand how relationships are formed and maintained is not an easy task. Many components come into play, and what brings happiness needs to be continuously nurtured.

How do Shih Tzus choose their favorite person?

Almost all family members want to be chosen as the “favorite.” It is certain that they will dedicate friendship, attention, and affection to all relatives, but when the feeling is mutual, it becomes easier to establish and perpetuate the bonds.

Most dogs establish positive and productive relationships with the entire family, even with the “occasional partners” – those who spend only a few hours or days at home.

The reasons

There are several reasons why a Shih Tzu chooses its favorite person. In general, they become especially close to humans who take care of them: providing food, shelter, attention, and play.

Similarly, it is likely that they will try to distance themselves from people who are more distant (perhaps due to shyness or not knowing how to express feelings), as well as from those who are overly effusive: types of affection like “Felícia” are rarely welcome.

In general, Shih Tzus (especially puppies) tend to keep their distance from young children who haven’t yet learned to regulate their affection and end up pulling tails or poking fingers in their eyes and ears.

Those responsible for initial education – training for “yes” and “no,” for example – might also be ignored by Shih Tzus in the first interactions. After all, there are other family members who don’t impose as many rules and demands.

Initial contacts

Relationships, as everyone knows, are a two-way street. For friendship and love to flourish, it is necessary for the caregivers to also do their part. Most of the time, Shih Tzus initially bond with those who meet their basic needs.

But it’s possible to become the favorite person just by being a playmate – and in this regard, children usually have an advantage. Healthy puppies and adults are very active and can easily fall in love with someone who runs, jumps, chases, pulls, stretches, etc.

The candidate for the “favorite person” can be the one who eases initial difficulties, even if they’re the ones doing “bad” things, like giving baths or taking them for vaccinations.

On the other hand, some caregivers don’t have time to dedicate to their Shih Tzu. The hustle and bustle of daily life keeps humans away for most of the day, and the remaining time is scarce, without attention or play.

To become your Shih Tzu’s favorite person – and maintain that title – it’s important for the caregiver to invest in the relationship. Some treats and off-schedule playtime, an afternoon nap in the middle of winter, a new toy for interaction.

All of this ensures a healthy and balanced relationship. And since Shih Tzus don’t have relationships with a large number of people, repeating positive experiences helps strengthen the bonds.

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