Homemade Mixture To Get Shih Tzu Pee Smell Out of The House

shih tzu pee

Homemade Mixture To Get Shih Tzu Pee Smell Out of The House

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The homemade solution to remove the pee smell of SHIH TZU, a solution that has been helping thousands of people to fight bad smells and live in a cleaner and more pleasant environment.

It is very difficult to have animals at home and end up not having to clean them all the time. They usually leave a lot of dirt and we need to be careful that the environment is not full of bacteria, hair and bad smell.

shih tzu pee

There is a homemade mix, simple to make, that uses few ingredients, which will help to get the Shih Tzu pee smell out of your home. This helps a lot, as they often relieve themselves in inappropriate places.

See also: 8+ Common Shih Tzu Habits You Really Need To Understand

What you will need to do is the following:

  • 1 liter and a half of water. In a pet bottle, preferably;
  • 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate;
  • hydrogen peroxide vol. 40;
  • 2 tablespoons of any brand of coconut detergent.

Add the 3 ingredients inside the pet bottle, under the sunlight, and stir, still in the light. When you’re done mixing, you’ll have an amazing recipe, made in less than 2 minutes to clean those smelly places,

shih tzu pee

Now, just apply it on the spot, with a floor cloth, squeegee, or mop, moistened it with the mixture, and start cleaning. The smell will be great and you will also clean the bacteria. In addition, you can also do this in other places if you want to clean your entire house.

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