Hilarious Expression of a Shih Tzu During Grooming

Hilarious Expression of a Shih Tzu During Grooming

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A Shih Tzu dog is making a hilarious face while being groomed. The dog is depicted with its tongue sticking out, looking at the camera with fear in its eyes.

The image was posted on Imgur, where it has been viewed over 2 million times. It is unclear who owns the dog or where it was taken, but many people commented on how funny it looks.

Shih Tzus are known for their cute faces and fluffiness. But, as demonstrated by this Shih Tzu, they can also make funny faces while being groomed.

It seems like the dog was startled by something – or maybe it got caught looking at itself in the mirror? It certainly doesn’t seem happy about it.

YouTube video

This is just one of the many funny faces that Shih Tzus can make. If you’ve ever had one or even seen one, you know how entertaining they can be!

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