Here’s The Best Way To Get Your Shih Tzu Back In His Shape

Shih Tzu In Shape

Here’s The Best Way To Get Your Shih Tzu Back In His Shape

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We know that you want your Shih Tzu to be healthy, as much as you want his weight to be ideal. I can understand that. You can distinguish it very simply. Dogs need to eat healthy food to live healthily. Just like humans, the weight of the dog fits the size of the body.

Shih Tzu In Shape

But you have no reason to worry. Just as there is a way to lose weight with humans, so it is with dogs. Remember that your dog’s weight is also affected by his genetics. It can make it harder for him to lose weight. Some dogs can be small all their lives, with small bodies. It is because the parents of this dog had the same body mass.

But if you want a way to weaken your dog, we will advise you to do a few things. However, not all dogs are the same. Each Shih Tzu has a way of being an organism different from the others. Therefore you need to choose away from losing weight that is suitable for your dog. First, you need to figure out if your dog is overweight or not. To do it you should contact a veterinarian or weigh your dog. Your veterinarian can give you the weight ratio with age. This way, you will learn if your dog needs to lose weight.

See also: 8+ Common Shih Tzu Habits You Really Need To Understand

Shih Tzu In Shape

After contacting your veterinarian, it is important to start teaching your dog to follow a nutritious diet. If your dog is healthy you need to remove some of his favorite foods from his diet and put on the menu foods with vitamins and high nutritional values. One of the most important factors in losing weight is water. Teach your Shih Tzu to drink plenty of water. That way it will feel full and will not overdo it with food.

Shih Tzu In Shape

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is physical activity. If your dog wants to park, let it do so. If he walks in the park every afternoon, he will feel better, and the risk of getting sick will be lower. If you accompany him, this will be a good activity for both of you.

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