Here are A Few Times Your Shih Tzu Said He Loves You And You Didn’t Notice

shih tzu loves

Here are A Few Times Your Shih Tzu Said He Loves You And You Didn’t Notice

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We often don’t realize it, but it’s the simplest things that really matter the most, and, consequently, these simpler attitudes are perhaps the ones that show how much your Shih Tzu loves you.

But you probably didn’t realize or didn’t know that this was his intention.

See also: What Do Shih Tzu Dreams About?

shih tzu loves

Check out eight attitudes or gestures that your Shih Tzu has probably already done to show you how much he loves you.

Shih Tzu brings you ‘gifts’ like old toys or dead birds

shih tzu loves

They ignore you when you leave for work.

See also: 7+ Healthy Human Foods Your Shih Tzu Can Eat

shih tzu loves

But they can’t contain their excitement when you get home

Shitzu always challenges you, whether to get the toy or run along with them

shih tzu loves

When they raise an eyebrow while looking at you

When Shih Tzu leans and rests against your legs

See also: The Best Types Of Grooming That Match With Your Shih Tzu Coat

shih tzu loves

When Shih Tzus take over the entire mattress and leave no room for you

The fact that Shih Tzus want to spend every second with you.

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