Does The Shih Tzu Miss His Loved Ones?

Does The Shih Tzu Miss His Loved Ones?

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See 4 signs that show Yes”Is it true that the SHIH TZU misses its owner?” – this is a question that many guardians ask themselves. After all, with the hustle and bustle and the various obligations of daily life, people end up being absent from home for long periods and do not always spend the time they would like with the animals they have adopted.

If this is also your case, know that it is important to observe your shih tzu’s behavior to notice if something atypical is happening. This is because many pets develop a disorder known as separation anxiety, in which there are changes in habits, temperament, and eating. All because they suffer (a lot) from being away from their owners.

For this reason, this post gathers some of the main signs you should be aware of to identify this problem, as well as tips on how to alleviate it. Follow along and stay informed! 4 signs that show the Shih Tzu misses the owner:Being sad for no apparent reason One of the main signs that the shih tzu misses the owner is when it becomes sad for no apparent reason.

Just leave home, and the shih tzu goes to some corner, isolates itself there, and spends a good amount of time lying down with a discontented expression, remaining like this until your return.Walking in circles Some dogs demonstrate obsessive-compulsive behavior in the absence of their owners. They start making repetitive movements until they become exhausted, or worse: they hurt themselves. One of the most common, for example, is walking in circles near the door or the last place they had contact with you.

Excessive barking Another indication is when the dog starts making a lot of noise when you are about to leave the apartment or are absent for long periods. This is because this is one of the most common ways for the shih tzu to communicate with us and express their own feelings, such as anger, happiness, sadness, etc.

Destroying objects inside the house Besides what was mentioned, some dogs go further and become more agitated and aggressive. So much so that it doesn’t take long for them to start destroying things inside the house. Some tear the upholstery of armchairs and sofas, while others bite wood furniture, benches, and chairs.

There are even those who destroy shoes and remove plants from pots, spreading soil in the rooms. All with one goal: to show you that they are upset and want attention. The problem is that as you reprimand them and spend minutes (or even hours) tidying up the mess they made, the worse their behavior gets because they understand that this is yielding results and that this way they spend more time by your side.

3 tips on what to do to alleviate separation anxiety:Set up a comfortable environment for the shih tzu First of all, it is important to set up an environment that is comfortable and welcoming for the dog. This is because when the pet suffers from separation anxiety, it becomes more irritated and stressed. Also, don’t forget to add his bed to the location and leave some clothing you use nearby.

This way, the shih tzu will smell you and feel more relaxed and calm for having your “presence” surrounding him.Offer toys for him to distract himself A second tip is to leave toys in the environment where the shih tzu stays, such as plush toys, balls, and chew toys.

This way, he has the chance to entertain himself with different objects, expend energy, and keep busy while you are away from home.Take walks with your shih tzu Lastly, take walks with your shih tzu. Keep in mind that this is quite beneficial for the physical and mental health of the shih tzu. In addition to expending the energy accumulated during the day and having the opportunity to exercise, he will spend more time playing, having fun, and exploring different places by your side.

This way, you can significantly reduce the shih tzu’s longing for you. Plus, there’s another advantage: turning these walks into a routine can be very useful for cleaning your home, as your four-legged companion will get used to doing his business outside the house.

As you can see, the shih tzu does miss its owner. After all, pets get used to our presence and enjoy constant interaction with the family that adopts them. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your buddy’s behavior to identify if something is wrong.

You can even install cameras to monitor him in your absence and rely on the help of other household members in this task. Besides that, don’t forget to put our tips into practice to reduce separation anxiety and ensure the psychological well-being of your shih tzu!”

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