Do You Have to Cut the Hair Around Shih Tzu’s Eyes?

Do You Have to Cut the Hair Around Shih Tzu’s Eyes?

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We will discuss the topic of whether or not to cut the hair around a Shih Tzu’s eyes. Many people consider trimming this hair because they believe it might harm the dog’s eyes. However, it’s important to understand the natural purpose of this hair.

When Shih Tzu puppies grow, their whiskers may seem uncomfortable as they may enter their eyes. However, these whiskers actually serve a protective purpose for their eyes. Nature has designed these dogs with sensitive and delicate skin, and the hair around their eyes plays a role in safeguarding their eyes from various elements.

While it’s true that maintaining long hair on a Shih Tzu can be quite a task, some owners opt to trim this hair because it seems like less hassle or due to concerns about the dog’s comfort in hot weather. However, it’s important to note that trimming this facial hair can lead to unintended consequences.

When you cut this hair, it tends to grow back thicker and sometimes sharper, potentially causing harm to the dog’s eyes. This can result in eye problems such as corneal ruptures or ulcers.

Naturally, as Shih Tzus grow, this facial hair becomes thicker, gains weight, and eventually falls naturally, forming the characteristic whiskers of the breed. To help this process without cutting the hair, owners can take some steps:

1. Gently secure the hair in the puppy’s line of sight using a hair tie to encourage proper growth and allow the puppy to see better. Be careful not to tie it too tightly, as it may hurt.

2. Brush the Shih Tzu’s hair daily in the direction of hair growth to encourage the right shape.

Over time, as the hair volume and weight increase, it will naturally fall into the desired shape without the need for trimming.

Cutting the hair around the eyes of young Shih Tzus, often starting when they are puppies, can lead to unintended consequences and discomfort for the dogs.

Ultimately, the decision to trim or not to trim the hair around a Shih Tzu’s eyes is a personal one. However, it’s essential to consider the natural protective function of this hair and the potential risks associated with cutting it.

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