Do Shih Tzu Dogs Feel Homesick? How To Understand It?

Do Shih Tzu Dogs Feel Homesick? How To Understand It?

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Shih Tzu dogs have a unique way of expressing their emotions, even though they can’t communicate in words. They convey their feelings through actions, known as canine body language. Have you ever noticed that mournful look your Shih Tzu gives you when you’re about to leave the house? It’s not a coincidence; it’s a sign that dogs do feel a sense of homesickness or longing for their owners.

However, it’s important to note that dogs may not experience emotions as complex as humans. According to research by neuroscientist Gregory Berns, when dogs are close to someone they love, their bodies release higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with well-being and reduced stress and anxiety. This is why when a dog’s owner needs to leave for some reason, the dog may miss the owner and the positive emotions they bring.

Feeling a bit of homesickness is normal for dogs, but it’s essential to ensure it doesn’t severely affect your furry friend’s well-being. Sometimes, when a Shih Tzu suffers from homesickness, certain behaviors can (and should) be observed to address the situation promptly. Clear signs of separation anxiety in Shih Tzus include excessive barking or howling when their owner leaves the house. In some cases, Shih Tzus may also refuse to eat when their owner is absent, which can lead to weight loss over time. It’s also important to watch for any self-inflicted injuries on the dog’s body, as some dogs may harm themselves intentionally to seek attention.

Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate separation anxiety, and as a last resort, dog training techniques can be employed. However, it’s crucial not to forget to consult a veterinarian since separation anxiety can have adverse effects on a pet’s health, and close observation is essential.

As for Shih Tzus changing owners, if the dog is still a puppy, the likelihood of it suffering from homesickness when transitioning to a new owner is relatively low because it’s still adapting to the environment and people around it. However, for adult or senior dogs that have been with an owner for a considerable amount of time, the separation can be more challenging. Dogs often form strong attachments to their families, and such separations can profoundly affect their emotions. Therefore, the process of changing ownership should be handled with great care to ensure the dog adapts to the change as smoothly as possible and doesn’t develop lasting trauma.

So, what can you do to help your Shih Tzu not miss you too much when you’re away? There are several alternatives to consider. Investing in interactive toys can help keep your Shih Tzu entertained while you’re not at home and stimulate their cognitive abilities. Additionally, you can hire a pet sitter to look after your dog or a dog walker to take them for a walk. If these options are not feasible, leaving an item of clothing with your scent or playing soothing background music can help distract and alleviate your Shih Tzu’s anxiety caused by your absence. If your Shih Tzu has the company of another animal, it becomes easier to handle the time they spend alone at home.

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