Discover the 5 Greatest Enemies of Shih Tzu And How to Combat Them

Discover the 5 Greatest Enemies of Shih Tzu And How to Combat Them

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For those who desire to have their Shih Tzu by their side for the maximum time possible, it’s crucial to understand the factors that could shorten their lifespan. Just like us humans, there are aspects that not only enhance the quality of life for Shih Tzus but also increase their life expectancy.

Therefore, it’s important to know the worst and most significant enemies of the Shih Tzu and the most appropriate ways to combat each of them.

1 – Sugar

It’s not uncommon to see Shih Tzu owners offering them sweet foods, as many of them seem to enjoy treats. However, just like for humans, excessive sugar is detrimental to the health of Shih Tzus.

The sweets that can be most harmful are those containing large amounts of sugar and are industrially processed, including those with artificial sweeteners in their formula. Even honey and brown sugar can be harmful over time. Even the sweetest fruits like banana and mango are not advisable.

Chocolates are strictly prohibited due to caffeine, and for the same reason, Shih Tzus cannot drink tea, guarana, or coffee, as they are toxic to them. These foods contain theobromine, which acts as poison to Shih Tzus, accumulating in their bodies, harming the nervous and circulatory systems.

2 – Obesity

Although chubby Shih Tzus may seem cute, obesity in dogs is a serious problem that reduces their quality and life expectancy. While some Shih Tzus may have a higher tendency to become obese, several factors increase the chances of this happening.

Excessive sugar in the dog’s diet and overfeeding contribute to obesity. Insufficient exercise also plays a role, emphasizing the importance of allowing the dog ample space to run freely and regular walks to prevent weight gain.

If a Shih Tzu is already overweight, consulting a veterinarian is important to change its diet and possibly switch to specific weight management dog food.

3 – Not Neutering/Spaying the Shih Tzu

Neutering or spaying a Shih Tzu can increase its lifespan. This is because after neutering, the levels of sex hormones are reduced, which according to research, are associated with many common diseases in dogs, including prostate, uterine, and mammary cancers.

Female Shih Tzus benefit even more from spaying, as it reduces the chances of developing pyometra, a uterine inflammation linked to hormonal changes and bacterial infections. Neutered Shih Tzus also tend to be calmer and less likely to engage in fights with other dogs.

4 – Low-Quality Dog Food

Research indicates that processed foods for Shih Tzus may contain highly harmful substances, reducing their life expectancy. Some companies use raw materials that would otherwise be discarded.

Experts suggest that Shih Tzus fed a natural diet tend to live longer. While it’s impractical for Shih Tzus to hunt prey like wild wolves, high-quality commercial dog food or homemade meals can be viable options.

5 – Poor Hygiene for Shih Tzu

As Shih Tzus age, attention to their hygiene becomes even more critical, as they are prone to dental and skin problems. Due to their weakened immune system, baths should not be given in cold weather to prevent respiratory illnesses.

With age, Shih Tzus may experience urinary incontinence, requiring caregivers to keep their living area clean. Ear cleaning is necessary to prevent ear infections due to wax buildup, and regular dental cleaning helps prevent tartar buildup and tooth loss.

By addressing these enemies and implementing proper care, Shih Tzus can enjoy a longer and healthier life.

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