Causes And Treatments For Vomiting In Shih Tzu

Causes And Treatments For Vomiting In Shih Tzu

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Shih Tzu vomit is a common occurrence and can be caused by various factors, including dietary changes, eating from the garbage, eating too quickly, and mild gastroenteritis. In such cases, a 24-hour fast is usually recommended until the vomiting subsides.

However, sometimes the causes of vomiting in Shih Tzus are more serious and can be caused by certain diseases or stomach obstructions. Ingesting certain objects can block your Shih Tzu’s digestive system, and eating a new type of food can result in allergies.


Vomiting in Shih Tzus can be classified according to its duration and characteristics. It can be acute if it lasts for four days or chronic when it occurs regularly over a period of time.

Depending on the characteristics of the vomit, we can identify the following types in Shih Tzus:
1. Bile Vomiting: Characterized by the release of bile from the gallbladder.
2. Food Vomiting: When your Shih Tzu vomits digested food.
3. Mucus Vomiting: Occurs when your Shih Tzu vomits mucus.
4. Hematemesis: When your Shih Tzu vomits anything with blood.
It is also common to find grass, brownish liquid, or feces-scented vomit in Shih Tzus. In the sections below, we will discuss the causes of vomiting in Shih Tzus and the factors that influence the transition from one type to another.

There are different causes of vomiting in Shih Tzus, all of which result in inflammation and irritation in the stomach or intestines, disrupting the normal digestive functions of your Shih Tzu. It is important for the owner to recognize them to be able to act promptly.

Stomach Flu
Gastroenteritis affects your Shih Tzu in the same way it affects humans. If your Shih Tzu’s vomiting occurs frequently and is accompanied by diarrhea, they usually experience abdominal pain. This can be treated at home, and your Shih Tzu may feel better in just a few days, but it depends on the cause of the vomiting. Gastroenteritis is typically caused by consuming spoiled food or a viral or bacterial infection that requires the assistance of a veterinarian.

Ingestion of Foreign Object
Ingesting any object can cause obstructions in your Shih Tzu’s stomach or intestines. Vomiting is the body’s normal response to expel it and will continue until the foreign object is completely out of the body. It is important that you pay attention to your Shih Tzu to ensure they do not eat any objects that could be harmful to their health. If you see them ingesting something, take them to the veterinarian immediately.

Intestinal Parasites
The presence of intestinal parasites such as tapeworms or roundworms can cause gastrointestinal disturbances that can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal swelling, and loss of appetite. It is important for the veterinarian to administer the appropriate deworming treatment to eliminate these parasites.

Viral Infections
Serious viral diseases such as parvovirus or distemper can cause vomiting. Puppies are more susceptible to these types of infections, and both are highly contagious and potentially fatal if detected too late. If you suspect your Shih Tzu has any of these viral infections, you should take them to the veterinarian immediately.

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