Archive for Category: Uncategorized

10 Common Fears Your Shih Tzu Has And How To React To Them

These fears can arise due to various factors, including a lack of early socialization or negative past experiences. The identified fears include: Shih Tzu dogs often exhibit varying degrees of fear during thunderstorms. Some may show mild signs like trembling or flattened ears, while others might become severely anxious,...

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How To Pronounce Shih Tzu

The pronunciation of this Shih Tzu dog breed is quite interesting. Many people, both owners and established breeders, do not know how to spell Shih Tzu correctly. The reason lies in the tendency to adopt the easiest or assumed pronunciation based on spelling, a common occurrence in languages.For example,...

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Test If Your Shih Tzu Loves You

Your Shih Tzu Loves You. Unlike the constant tail-wagging that Shih Tzus do for everyone, there are specific signs of affection reserved for those they truly love. One of these signs is contagious yawning, which a study by the University of Tokyo suggests is a way Shih Tzus express...

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Why Shih Tzus Sleep So Much

You wake up in the morning, and your Shih Tzu comes running to greet you with sleepy eyes. After the joy of seeing you, it goes back to its spot and continues sleeping. When you return home after a long day of work, and the Shih Tzu is still...

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