Archive for Category: news

5 Behaviors Indicating a Cry For Help From Your Shih Tzu

Caring for your Shih Tzu goes beyond the basics of feeding and grooming; it involves understanding their behaviors, especially those that might signal a plea for assistance. Understanding and addressing these behaviors promptly is essential to ensure the well-being of your Shih Tzu. Regular veterinary check-ups and proactive care...

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5 Behaviors Indicating Your Shih Tzu Needs Help

Love and care for your Shih Tzu also means understanding the reasons behind some of their behaviors. Remember that sometimes, seemingly funny actions from your furry friend may indicate that something is amiss. Learn to recognize these signs that suggest a cry for help The Shih Tzu drags its...

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I Castrated My Shih Tzu and Regretted It

Despite being well-known, pet castration still raises many questions. Due to some shared information without exact knowledge, some believe that castrating their Shih Tzu may put them at risk or cause suffering. In reality, the procedure, done with safety and professional supervision, can bring benefits to the Shih Tzu’s...

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Is Your Shih Tzu Scratching a Lot But Doesn’t Have Fleas?

If you observe your Shih Tzu rubbing its face and body on the floor or furniture, only to stop and scratch the itchy skin with its claws, there could be various underlying issues contributing to this problem. Whether it’s allergies, food sensitivity, or exposure to certain hygiene or cleaning...

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Your Shih Tzu Wants These 3 Fruits All The Time

Ensuring that your Shih Tzu has a healthy diet that also pleases their palate is easier than you think. We will tell you about the 3 favorite fruits of Shih Tzus so that you can create a meal that will make your Shih Tzu drool. Do you know if...

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