Archive for Category: news

Here Are 8 Curious Facts About Shih Tzu Dogs

1) Shih Tzus can develop similar diseases to humans, such as cancer and neurological disorders. This similarity allows researchers to study these diseases in dogs and find potential cures. 2) Shih Tzus have an exceptional sense of smell and can detect diseases like cancer, diabetes, and epilepsy in humans....

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Shih Tzu Owner Mistakes

Pets To Be Allowed To Enter Restaurants

The Portuguese Parliament has recently approved projects from the PAN, BE, and PEV parties that allow pets in enclosed restaurants, in addition to assistance dogs already permitted by law. The projects received different votes from various party members, deviating from their official positions. The PAN project, initiated by a...

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Shih Tzu Adoption

How To Know If You Have A Pure Breed Shih Tzu

The differences between Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso are amazing as dogs of both breeds look similar. The hairs have colors such as black or brown, usually mixed with white. The big difference between the two is the muzzle, closer to the eyes in Shih Tzu. Unfortunately today there...

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