Archive for Category: news

Understand What Separation Anxiety Syndrome Is At Shih Tzus

The issue of separation anxiety syndrome in Shih Tzu dogs, highlighting the emotional distress they may experience when left alone. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the symptoms and addressing the problem effectively. Shih Tzu owners often experience a sense of guilt when leaving their beloved pets alone at...

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Are Shih Tzus Very Friendly?

The Shih Tzu, known for being cute, charming, and utterly lovable, is a relatively young dog breed with its origins in China. Some consider it a cross between a Pekingese and a Lhasa Apso. Its name, “Shih Tzu,” originates from a Chinese word meaning “lion.” Shih Tzus have a...

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How Many Puppies Can a Shih Tzu Have?

We are discussing the factors that influence the number of puppies a Shih Tzu dog can have. Shih Tzus can have varying litter sizes depending on factors such as the dog’s size and the age of the female. The usual gestation period for female dogs is around 60 days,...

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Are Shih Tzus jealous?

Why Shih Tzus Feel Jealous – Whether a Shih Tzu experiences jealousy largely depends on the upbringing they’ve received. They can exhibit jealousy in various situations, primarily when another person or animal threatens to steal their spotlight. Shih Tzus can become jealous when there’s a shift in roles, like...

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End of Shih Tzus: Country Bans Breeding of Short-Nosed Dogs

The existence of brachycephalic dogs may be numbered as experts draw attention to the issue. The argument is that these pets suffer from various health problems, and for the well-being of the animals, it is ideal to stop breeding these breeds. The Netherlands has recently prohibited the breeding of...

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12 Things Only Shih Tzu Owners Will Understand

Shih Tzus, those adorable little furballs with their unique personalities, hold a special place in the hearts of their owners. If you’re lucky enough to have one of these charming dogs as your furry companion, you’ll undoubtedly relate to the following 12 experiences that only Shih Tzu owners can...

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Why Shih Tzu Fear Rain And Thunderstorms?

As the approaching fall season brings rain, thunder, and lightning, these weather phenomena can be distressing for Shih Tzu dogs, much like fireworks.Thunderstorms can indeed scare Shih Tzus, and the loud noises can potentially cause discomfort or even ear pain for them. This is because a dog’s hearing is...

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Do Shih Tzu Dogs Feel Homesick? How To Understand It?

Shih Tzu dogs have a unique way of expressing their emotions, even though they can’t communicate in words. They convey their feelings through actions, known as canine body language. Have you ever noticed that mournful look your Shih Tzu gives you when you’re about to leave the house? It’s...

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