Archive for Category: news

Is It True That Shih Tzus Sleep A Lot?

You wake up in the morning, and your Shih Tzu comes running to greet you with the eyes of someone who was just sound asleep. You start making breakfast, and after the initial joy of seeing you, your Shih Tzu returns to its spot and continues sleeping. When you...

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9 Signs Your Shih Tzu Thinks He’s The Boss

Shih Tzus are renowned for their charming personalities and sometimes bossy behavior. Despite their small size, they often exhibit a strong sense of leadership. Here are nine signs that your Shih Tzu might be convinced they’re the boss of the house. 1. Commanding Looks: If your Shih Tzu has...

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Seven Health Issues Elderly Shih Tzu Can Have

As health problems can affect an elderly Shih Tzu, it’s essential to understand their changing needs and how to help them age gracefully. Shih Tzu, like humans, experience various health issues as they grow older. Despite these challenges, elderly Shih Tzu can lead happy and healthy lives with proper...

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Do Shih Tzus Feel Longing? Understand Their Emotions

Shih Tzus have a unique way of expressing their emotions, and even though they can’t use words, they convey their feelings through actions—the famous canine language. You know that sorrowful look your dog gives when you’re about to leave the house? That’s not for no reason. Shih Tzus does...

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Should You Cut The Hair Around Shih Tzu’s Eyes?

The hair around Shih Tzu’s eyes is important, and many people wonder if it should be trimmed because they worry it might hurt the dog’s eyes. When Shih Tzu puppies are growing, their whiskers can sometimes appear uncomfortable as they might protrude into their eyes. However, these whiskers actually...

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